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UDC 338.48 (478.9)

Burla Olga Nikolaevna, Pridnestrovian state University. T. G. Shevchenko, Tiraspol, Moldova, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Anti-crisis potential of tourism

in the economic development strategy of Transnistria


The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of domestic and inbound tourism in Transnistria, to identify the potential of tourism as an instrument of anti-crisis and promising socio-economic policy.

Method. The article uses mainly analytical, evaluation, statistical and prognostic research methods. In particular, the analysis of the state statistical reports and reports of tourist companies operating in the region.

Results. The estimation of the main parameters of the tourism sector and its role in the economy of Transnistria. Some aspects of the" concept of development of domestic and inbound tourism in the TMR for 2018-2020", which contains an analysis of the tourism industry, the main goals and objectives of its development, as well as a set of government measures aimed at improving the efficiency of tourism management.

Innovation. Factor analysis showed the strengths, opportunities and consequences of tourism development in the region , it is necessary to strengthen the work to increase the attractiveness of the Republic for foreign tourists.

The practical significance lies in the availability of proposals, the implementation of which will improve the efficiency of the recreational potential of the region and the final results of tourism activities. The list of tourist services offered in official documents has been expanded, joint international tours have been proposed, which can significantly increase the tourist attractiveness of the region.

Keywords: domestic tourism, inbound tourism, recreational resources, mixed tours, tourist almanac, tourist destinations, combined tour.


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Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 June 2019 14:09