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Thursday, 21 March 2019 16:16 |
https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.43.55-64 UDC 911.3 (571.62) Bilanyuk Olga Petrovna, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Purpose. To allocate clear principles of development of the cross-border tourism market. To study and analyze the world experience of development of tourism from borders of transboundary regions. Method. When writing the article, innovative methods for analyzing the development of tourism in transboundary regions were explored. The conceptual foundations of tourism development in general and in cross-border regions in particular were allocated. The main concepts of cross-border tourism were analyzed. Factors and methods were allocated to the research approach. Results. The theoretical and methodological principles of tourism development in transboundary regions are considered. The world experience of tourism development in transboundary regions is analyzed and the factors of development of cross-border tourism are highlighted. The official documents forming the basis of strategic development of cross-border tourism are analyzed and allocated. The advantages and limitations of the development of cross-border tourism markets are presented. Scientific novelty. Mechanisms of development of cross-border tourist markets are considered. In the analysis of cross-border tourist markets, the concept of reasonable specialization and a territorial-oriented approach are highlighted. Practical significance. Thanks to the development of cross-border tourism markets and the effective use of the tourist potential of the border regions, support for the competitiveness of the region through innovation, commercialization of knowledge and building up of creative industries can be achieved, which is one of the goals of economic development. The activation of cross-border tourism can also act as a catalyst for the development of the regional innovation system. Keywords: tourism, cross-border tourism, transboundary region, border territories. References: 1. Bil` M. Transkordonne spivrobitny`cztvo regioniv Ukrayiny` v galuzi tury`zmu: suchasny`j stan ta osnovni napryamky` rozvy`tku / Demokraty`chne vryaduvannya : nauk. visn. 2008, Vy`p. 2, S. 21-24. 2. Lyubiceva O.O. Ry`nok tury`sty`chny`x poslug (geoprostorovi aspekty`), 2-ge vy`dannya pereroblene ta dopovnene. K.: «Al`tapres», 2003. 436 s. URL: http://tourlib.net/books_ukr/lubiceva _rtp22.htm. 3. Mal`s`ka M. P. Prostorovi sy`stemy` poslug (teoriya, metodologiya, prakty`ka): monografiya. K.: Znannya, 2009. 363 s. 4. Migushhenko Yu. Transkordonny`j tury`zm mizh Ukrayinoyu ta Pol`shheyu // http://lv.niss.gov.ua/public/File/1/transkordon_mig_14.04.16.pdf 5. Rozvy`tok transkordonnogo spivrobitny`cztva : naukovo-anality`chna dopovid` / NAN Ukrayiny`. DU «Insty`tut regional`ny`x doslidzhen` imeni M. I. Dolishn`ogo NAN Ukrayiny`»; nauk. redaktor V.S. Kravciv. L`viv, 2015. 52 s. (Seriya «Problemy` regional`nogo rozvy`tku»). 6. European Union Tourism Trends. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). April 2018. [Elektronny`j resurs] – Rezhy`m dostupu:https://www.e-unwto.org/doi/pdf/10.18111/9789284419470 7. Prokkola E.-K., Zimmerbauer K. & Jakola F. Performance of regional identity in the implementation of European cross-border initiatives. European Urban and Regional Studies, 22. (1), 2015, pp. 104-117. 8. TOURIS Mlink. The European Tourism Market, its structure and the role of ICTs. Brussels: The TOURIS Mlink, 2012, Consortium. URL[Elektronny`j resurs] – Rezhy`m dostupu :https://www.iby.it/turismo/papers/TOURISMlink_MktReport_V2.pdf 9. Travel & tourism economic impact 2018, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)). URL [Elektronny`j resurs] – Rezhy`m dostupu: https://www.wttc.org/-/media/files/reports/economic-impact-research/regions-2018/world2018.pdf. |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 June 2019 07:20 |