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UDC 338.48-53:63(476)+338.48-6:502/504(476)

Mechkovskaya Olga Alexsandrovna, Candidate of Geography Sciences, Associate Professor, Gzhel State University, s. Electroizolyator, Russia, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Purpose. The relevance of studying features of agro-ecological tourism of the Republic of Belarus due to high dynamics of development of this type of tourism in the world tourist market, including the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. One of the priority directions of development of tourism in the Republic of Belarus, which impact on the territorial structure economy and formation of the tourist demand is the agroecological tourism. It is evident that in the country with the 1990-ies. is the formation of a national model of rural tourism, able to increase the competitiveness of the national tourist product. The purpose of this article, defining its scientific novelty, is the rationale for the structure of the production factors of tourism product of the Republic of Belarus as the spatial framework for the formation and development of a national model of rural tourism.

Methods. Research methodology is based on the use of models of territorial recreational system to apply integrated economic-geographical approach to the identification of the production factors of tourism product. Economic-geographical analysis of the factors of production agroecological tourism product based on the application of the aggregate methods comparative geographical, spatial and functional analysis with application of marketing analysis external and internal factors Wednesday tourist market. To justify the structure of exogenous and endogenous factors of production agroecological tourism product PESTLE analysis method is also applied.

Results. An integrated approach to the study of the factors of production of a tourist product has allowed to reveal the peculiarities of formation and development of a national model of agroecotourism in the Republic of Belarus, highlight the problems and determine perspective directions of development of agroecotourism in the Republic of Belarus.

The practical significance of the study lies in the justification of priority directions for increasing the competitiveness of the national agro-ecological tourism product of the Republic of Belarus in the light of complex influence of aggregate internal and external factors of tourism product.

Keywords: agroecotourism, rural tourism, eco-tourism, territorial recreational system, agrotourist product, protected nature areas.


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Last Updated on Friday, 17 May 2019 08:19