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Thursday, 21 March 2019 16:58 |
UDC 911.3: 008 Mikhaliuk Maryna Mykhaylivna, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Goal. The article aims to define the concept of ethnocultural potential as a component of the socio – economic potential of region. Method. Methodical bases of the research lie in the implementation of analytical, synthetic, deductive and inductive methods. Tabular and graphical methods were applied as well. Results. The concept of ethnocultural potential as a component of socio – economic potential of region is defined. The components as well as functional – component structure of the ethnocultural spatial system of region are presented. Based on the revealed functional tasks of the ethnocultural potential of region, the main directions of its realization are determined. Scientific novelty. The definition of the notion of «ethnocultural potential» as an integral part of the socio–economic potential of region has been improved due to its correlation with the notion of «ethnocultural resource». The components and, for the first time, the functional – component structure of the ethnocultural spatial system of region is presented. The list of functional tasks of the ethnocultural potential of region and the main directions of its realization is improved. The practical significance of the research is determined by its relevance for the implementation of ethnocultural potential in the regional development of the territory, in particular through the use of tourism based on sustainability. Keywords: ethno – cultural potential, ethno – cultural spatial system, components of the ethno – cultural spatial system, functional–component structure, cultural heritage. References: 1. Ethnoculturniy potentsial yak odyn z chynnykiv rozvytku turystychnogo region/ I. Bachynska, V. Shynkarets// Rozvytok etnoturismu: problemy ta perspektyvy: zb.mater.Vseukr.nauk. –prakt.konf.molodykh vchenykh (Lviv,2–3 bereznya 2011r.). Ministerstvo osvity i nauky,molodi ta sportu Ukrainy,Lvivskiy institut ekonomiky i turismu. – Lviv: LIET, 2011. – 202–204. 2. Volovyk V. Ethnoculturni landshafty:regionalni structury i pryrodokorystuvannya/ V. Volovyk.– Vinnytsya:TOV «Vinnytska miska drukarnya», 2011.– 464p. 3. Kalinnikova I. Osnovnye sostavlyaiushie sotsialno – ekonomicheskogo potentsiala regiona / I. Kalinnikova// Upravlenie sotsialno – ekonomicheskim potentsialom regiona. – St. Petersburg: Piter, 2009. – P.30. 4.Kulakovska I. Etnokulturniy potentsial yak chynnyk pidvyshennya ekskursiynoi pryvablyvosti regionu / I. Kulakovska// Visnyk Derzhavnoi akademii kerivnykh kadriv kultury i mystetstv. – Kyiv: Milenium. – 2010. – № 3.– P.73–76. 5. Panikarova S. Strukturno – funktsionalnaya konfiguratsiya etnokulturnogo potentsiala regiona/ S.Panikarova, L. Anzhiganova// Problemy sovremennoy ekonomiki. – St. Petersburg, 2010. –Vol.35. – P.319– 323. 6.Polyvach K. Kulturna spadsyna ta ii vplyv na rozvytok regioniv Ukrainy (suspilno–geografichne doslidzhennya)/ K. Polyvach//Avtoref. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. geogr. nauk:spets. 11.00.02 «Economic and social geography». – Kyiv, 2007. – 24p. 7. Oliinyk Ya., Gnatiuk O. Metodychni pidkhody do doslidzhennya terytorialnoi identychnosti naselennya/ Ya. Oliinyk, O. Gnatiuk// Ukrainskii geografichnui zhurnal. Kyiv, 2013. – №3. – P. 34–39. 8. Ripka O. Geografiya kultury yak napryamok suspilnoi geografii/ O. Ripka// Chasopys sotsialno – ekonimichnoi geografii.Mizhregionalnyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats. – Kharkiv,2007. –Vol.2. – P.200–207. 9. Fedorak V. Etnokulturniy potentsial yak odyn z chynnykiv rozvytku turystychnogo region/ V. Fedorak// Karpatskii krai:naukovi studii z istorii,kultury,turismu. – Ivano–Frankivsk,2015. – Vol.1–2 (6–7). – P. 218–223. 10. Fediuk O. Geografiya kultury – vazhlyvyi napryamok sotsialno – ekonomichnykh doslidzhen Available at: http://svit-ekranu.org.ua/f_geogr_u.htm. 11.Agenda 21 for culture/ United Cities and Local Governments – Committee on culture. Available at: http://www.agenda21culture.net/index.php/docman/agenda21/212-ag21en/file. 12.Safiullin L. Socio– economic development of the region and its historical and cultural heritage/ L. Safiullin, I. Gafurov, R.Shaidullin, N.Safiullin//Life Science Journal: Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition,2014. – Vol.11(6). – P. 400–404. |
Last Updated on Friday, 17 May 2019 11:16 |