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UDC: 339.92                                                                                                                                https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.53.16-26

Prokopenko Tetiana Petrivna, CORAL TRAVEL LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: irina_pravo@ukr.net




The purpose of the article is to carry out a comprehensive study on the peculiarities of theoretical and economic aspects of tourism industry development in Ukraine.

Methodology. The complexity and specificity of the problems under study led to the use of a set of methodological tools, including general scientific and specific research methods, based on dialectical principles of objectivity and consistency, validity and comprehensiveness, logic and criticality. The descriptive (monographic) method made it possible to illuminate the discourse field of the chosen problems. The structural-functional method allowed to reveal the leading factors, factors and components of the formation of rapid tourism development in Ukraine. The comparative method made it possible to compare statistics on the visit of foreign tourists to Ukraine and the departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad.

Results. The author also carried out a comprehensive analysis of the statistics of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and determined that there is a tendency to increase the tourist flow outside Ukraine due to the introduction of a visa-free regime for entry into the EU and a decrease in the flow. foreigners to Ukraine due to amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine, which significantly complicates the duty-free crossing of goods across borders. It is justified that the market for tourist services is considered to be quite flexible because it is able to respond flexibly to changes in the external environment (economic, socio-demographic, political factors) and to changes in tourist demand and supply. The tourism sphere is one of the of the most effective sphere of Ukraine's economy because it not only contributes to the development of regions, but also accelerates the process of formation of the middle class in our country. Also, the tourism industry envisages an increase in the incomes of the population and an increase in the welfare of the nation, as a whole, through attracting foreign investment. This, in turn, increases part of the budget revenues through direct and indirect taxes (value added tax, import duty), the volume of which is one of the determining indicators for the existing business environment. In order to meet the growing demands of clients, travel agents and agents need to constantly research the market. Marketing research of the tourist services market and correction of the direction of tourist activity should be conducted in many directions.

The scientific novelty of the work is that the systematization of scientific researches of the experience of forming the potential of the tourism industry, which distinguishes four main varieties of tourism products, namely: excursions, sports competitions, cultural and mass events and cultural festivals, the development of which promote economic development, is improved. , family-related, moral, ethnic and legal ties in conducting tourism business in Ukraine.

The practical importance of the work lies in the possibility of further use of the proposed developments of the author for faster reproduction of labor resources through rest, improving the health of citizens and guests of the country, as well as for turning the resort business into a significant source of funds for the state and local budgets.

Keywords: tourism geography, tourism industry development, tourism industry, socio-economic activities, international and domestic tourism.


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