Grounds for refusal to accept the article for consideration and publication (reasons for refusual) |
Borrowing without specifying asource.
The article was already published in another edition (including electronic editions and Internet).
The articleis framedin non-compliance with the requirements.
A significant discrepancy in links totext.
Absence or incompleteness of any component of metadata / contact information / postal address.
Absence of a review (recommendation, assignment, reference) of the scientific adviser, certified with a signature and seal (only for authors that have no academic degree).
Absence of UDC / JEL.
Absence of the list of references.
Insufficient volume of abstract.
Insufficient volume of the list of references.
Categorical negative conclusion of a reviewer.
Authors whose articles have received a negative review from the peer-reviewer (or applied plagiarism, or a manuscript was recommended to print in some other edition, or otherreasons for refusal), please do not submit your articles (same/new) during the year according to the International Regulations of publication in the scientific journals.