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UDC: 378: 338.48 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2021.66.10-17

Melko Liudmyla Fedorivna,

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor KROK» University, Kyiv, Ukraine , e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


The objective of the research is to develop and substantiate the UNESCO heritage popularization model in the system of training tourism specialists.

The research methodology is based on the use of various scientific methods, general and special ones, including such as a method of system and structural analysis used in the development of descriptive content of the model; a method of sociological survey, which helped to study the opinion of applicants for higher education as well as graduates on the importance of UNESCO heritage in tourism; a method of scientific generalization, which contributed to the conclusion statements and the research results, etc.

Results. The UNESCO heritage popularization model in the system of training of tourism specialists, which is based on the practice-oriented activities of the Tourism Department, has been proposed and substantiated. The model consists of three structural components, including descriptive, procedural, and effective ones, and suggests the subject matter of the relevant training of students for forming their professional competencies. The need of relevant requirements for the successful implementation of the model is emphasized, i.e., of motivation, teamwork, and professional environment.

It was found that the formation of a competitive tourism product regarding the use of UNESCO heritage requires relevant professional competencies, which can be more effectively formed in the implementation process of the above model. The results of the sociological survey of applicants and graduates showed their high level of motivation for the proposed topic.

Scientific novelty. Based on practical experience, the UNESCO heritage popularization model in the system of training tourism specialists has been developed, substantiated and implemented.

Practical significance. The research materials can be used in the system of training tourism specialists in higher educational institutions.

Key words: UNESCO heritage popularization, tourism, training of tourism specialists, model.


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Received Editorial Board 15.06.2021

Last Updated on Thursday, 14 July 2022 09:28