v669 |
Автор: Administrator |
П'ятниця, 17 червня 2022 16:53 |
ІІІ. ПРИРОДНИЧА ГЕОГРАФІЯ: ТЕОРІЯ ТА ПРАКТИКА UDC: 911; 911.2 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2021.66.74-78 Atakishiyev Samir Institute of Geography of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaian Republic, e-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів, Вам потрібно включити JavaScript для перегляду INFLUENCE OF AGSUCHAY AND GIRDIMANCHAY WATERS AND SPECTRAL CHEMICAL COMPONENTS OF FOREST SOILS ON TRANSFORMATION IN THE MOUNTAINOUS AREA OF THE GREATER CAUCASUS Aim: The main basis of the research is the study of the elemental components of river waters and forestlands (in the example of Agsuchay and Girdimanchay basins) in the mountainous areas of the Greater Caucasus and their role in the restoration of forests. The methodological basis of the article: I took the samples from the mountain waters and forest soil of the study area. I did additional laboratory and spectral analysis of the samples, and tabulated the content I obtained. Then I analyzed these results. Results: The results of field and laboratory analyses revealed that, due to the climate change, the water resources of rivers in mountainous areas have decreased, the resulting water shortage has affected the natural flora, the species composition of trees and shrubs has decreased, and their natural regeneration has weakened. Our visual observations also show that another reason for the intensive transformation of the area is the mistreatment of the population and catering facilities in the area of the forest and water. The catering facilities created in the forests in the study areas discharge wastewater into the rivers, cut down the trees in the forests unplanned and blindly, which in turn leads to the drying of forests and the formation of steppes. The population intensively leaves their livestock in the forest areas without permission and without ownership and as a result, the trees formed from new shoots cannot grow and eventually dry up. Out of the plant species, most grass species have been transformed attracting attention in sparse forests. Chemical analysis has shown that the resulting environmental factors have increased the degree of salinization of water and soil, and the transformation of species attracts attention. Salinization is formed due to an increase in calcium, chlorine, sulfur and metal oxides, and has a definite effect on the transformation of the area. Scientific novelty: For the first time, a spectral-chemical analysis of the water of mountain rivers (by the example of Aghsuchai and Girdimanchay) and forest soils was carried out. Moreover, for the first time, we determined the electrical conductivity by conducting chemical and spectral analysis of the soil cover of the study area. The obtained scientific innovations will prevent transformations by applying them to different areas. Keywords: Natural regeneration of forests, water and soil components, study of radiation background. References 1. Əliyev H.Ə-Həyəcan təbili. Bakı, 2007, 197s 2. Əsədov K.S., Mirzəyev O.H., Məmmədov F.M. Dendrologiya. Bakı, "Gənclik" 450s 3. Quliyev V.S., Xəlilov M.Y. - Dendrologiya. "Ekologiya nəşriyyatı", 2010,184s 4. Məmmədov T.S. - Azərbaycan dendroflorası. I VƏ II c., Bakı, 2010, 467s. və 430s 5. Məmmədov T.S., Əsədov H.H. - Bitki ekologiyası. Bakı. "Elm", 2014, 310s 6. Məmmədov S.E., Mərdanov S.S. - Cənub-şərqi Qafqazda sürüşmə mənşəyli sellərin yayılması haqqında. « Azərbaycanda müasir coğrafi tədqiqatlar», Bakı, 2007, s62 7. Həsənov M.S. -Meşə örtüyünün mikroiqliminin yaxşılaşdırılmasında rolu. Həmən toplum, S.428 8. Mənsimov M.R., Qasımov T.Q. - İqlim dəyişmələrinə beynəlxalq cavab tədbirləri. 9. Rəhimov M.K. - Böyük Qafqazın cənub yamacında 5°C°C-dən yuxarı fəal temperatur cəmlərinin çoxillik dinamikası. 10. Paşayev A.M., Abbasov S.M., İbrahimov Z.A. Radioaktiv və kosmik şüalar. Bakı. «Elm», 2006, s241 11. Nuriyeva S.M. - Ekoloji tərbiyə və ətraf mühit. « Azərbaycanda müasir coğrafi tədqiqatlar » Bakı, 2007, s 560 Надійшла до редколегії 11.12.2021 |
Останнє оновлення на Четвер, 14 липня 2022 09:32 |