English Ukrainian
Issue 10 PDF Print E-mail


Aleksandrova A.Y. Conceptual foundations of tourist limology

The article proves the importance of new interdisciplinary field of science – tourist limology (boundary studies). Academic approach to its formation and its fundamental principles are presented. Particular attention is paid to the tourist functions of state borders and border territories. Theoretical grounds are corroborated by certain examples from Russian and foreign practice.

Sviridova N.D. Industrial tourism: the theoretical aspects

As practice shows, industrial, tourism is profitable, it makes an interest for tourists. The positive influence of industrial tourism for regional development in foreign countries is obvious, because the regions that were previously considered not interesting from the standpoint of tourism have become world famous tourist destination. This kind of tourism is promising for the industrial regions, in which the plants are located.

Smirnov I.G. International tourist system All Inclusive: logistics aspect

Represented pecularities, advantages and problems of modern effective technology of hotel-restaurant service in touristic branch. Shown logistics side of all inclusive system, especially in sphere of coordination of raw materials and ready-made goods purchases with touristic flow’s volume and structure. Given attention to Turkish hotels successful experience in «all inclusive» system development. Proposed directions of incalculation of all inclusive system in Ukraine, especially in Crimea and Karpaty regions.

Holodova O.O. Problem of upgrading tourist services

The article is devoted the problem of forming of quality control system on a tourist enterprise. The constituents of general quality administration model and facilities of upgrading of quality of tourist services are analysed, that is to say, there are providing of the greatest level of services and complete satisfaction consumer needs, effective management expectations, and enlisting of permanent clients on long-term basis.

Voronina G.B. Festival tourism as new orientation of the world tourism

In the article description is given to festival tourism as new orientation of tourist activity.

Khamagomedov Kh.L. Landscape-recreational systems as factors of putting into effect economic potential of coastal lowlands in Dagestan (Russia)

Rassypnov V.A., Maksimova N.B. Use of recreational lands for rural tourism organization on the territory of Russian Altai

The presence of natural and historical places of interest on the territory of Russian Altai attracts tourists from Russia and neighboring states into the region. Rural tourism becomes more popular, because it has been financially supported by the state in recent years. Creation of tourist centers in rural areas causes some economic, ecological, social and moral problems.

Tsyrenova I.Zh. Modern problems of tourism and recreational use of national parks within the Baikal region

The article is devoted problems of national natural parks of the Baikal region, directly connected with tourism and recreational activity at the functioning present stage are considered. The author plans an approximate series of measures for conditions improvement.

Vasilenko E.A. Transnational hotel corporations in Russian Federation

The question of development of the hotel industry in the Russian Federation is the item on the agenda, especially, after global financial crisis. Recently a number of large hotel operators of the first size has confirmed the plans of Russian expansion. The markets of the hotel industry of two capitals are already enough mastered, and chains have become interested in regions. However already it can be closely for two large operators even in a city with more than a million of citizens: when second network hotel starts developing, indicators of the first considerably worsen. Demand for qualitative hotels in capitals and the large regional centers is high, and the volume of rooms fund and its qualitative characteristics are insufficient, therefore new projects under control of the international hotel operators will raise competition level in the given segment.

Zima O.G., Karalkova P.I. Green tourism development as a way of environment improvement in Ukraine

The environmental conditions in Ukraine and in the world were researched in this article. Also the most polluted territories were defined. The research of Ukrainian normative legal base in environmental protection and conditions of activity in eco tourism's sphere was shown.

Yakovchuk O.V. Evaluation of potential tourist of Ukraine

A state of scientific research of tourist resources of Ukraine, proposed model for evaluating the tourism potential of various areas for the purposes of science, public administration and tourism business, the estimation of tourist potential of the typical tourist centers of Ukraine.

Key words: recreational needs, tourism resources, tourism infrastructure, tourism potential assessment area.

Kornilova N.V. Problems of tourism development in Chernihiv oblast

Problems of tourism development in Chernihiv Oblast on example of work of National Historical and Cultural Reserve “Hetmanska Stolytsya” are revised.


Stafiychuk V.I. Political globalization as a constituent part of the world-system creation process

In this article we consider political globalization as a constituent part of the world-system creation process and problems of its controllability.

Smal V.V. Spatial statistic analysis of high technology export by case study of European Union countries

The main patterns and trends in international trade in high technology products are revealed for the "old" and "new" members of European Union. Balassa index of revealed comparative advantage and other indexes are involved for the analysis.

Pachomova L.S. Geographical image of Mongolia   and ITS еducational potential

The article deals with the formation of geographical image of the territory and their cognitive capacity to form the geographical culture of the students, geographers, on the example of Mongolia. In the summer of 2008 during the inter-zonal practice for students - appeared geographers the opportunity to get to know the nature, population and economy of Mongolia on the route Ulan - Bator - Tereldzh - Harhoriin - Hustai – Erdenet

Slivka R.D. Failed States Index usage in conflict investigation in the regions of Black Sea, Red Sea and East Mediterranean

Since 2005, the Failed States Index (FSI) has been published annually by the Fund for Peace (USA). This complex rate gives opportunity to estimate state’s ability to resist to internal and external risks using 12 indicators, which is united into three groups: social, economic and political. In the article is proposed to use FSI with aim of the comparative geographical investigation of three internal sea basins.

Koval K.P. Cross-border cooperation of Transcarpathia and it's prospect of developmen

Attention is payed to the Cross-border cooperation of Transcarpathia with the neighbouring countries. The ways for realizing the collaboration of the region with these countries are escamined, as well as solving common problems and possible prospects of social-economical development. The activity of the power and also the activity of the state and social organizations together with the activity of the local government in common projects, which are focused on the development of the frontier territories of the countries of Carpathian European integration, has been analyzed. This effects the increase of the economical potential and the population's social level of life. The possible ways for the distant development of international cooperation in all the spheres of social life in Transcarpathia are pointed out.

Key words: Cross-border cooperation of Transcarpathia, European integration, agreement, project, development prospect.


Ermakova G.A., Polaykova I.L., Kholodilina Y.E. The regional programs of tourism development: contents, peculiarities, results

The analysis of contents and results of realization of the regional target programs of tourism development is conducted in this research paper (on the Orenburg region example).

The recommendations about the improvement and structure of the programs, the realization of which can activate the development of the regional tourism industry, are formulated.

Korotun S.I., Korotun O.P. Chart of strategy development and marketing of tourism in the region

In the article considered questions chart of strategy development and marketing of tourism in the region, also it include the compressed description main blocks of chart. There are certain basic directions of measures realization which is needed for successful introduction of strategic plans steady development of tourism at regional level.

Hanych N.М. The modern approaches of improvement quality of hotel services in Ukraine

The article deals with the main criteria which play a principal role in solving problems of hotel services quality management.

Key words: hotel, quality, service.

Yermachenko V.E., Dekhtyar N.A. The main approaches to a regional policy in the field of tourism (by the example of Kharkiv region)

The main concepts of a state policy in the field of regional management are given, the peculiarities of development and implementation of plans for expansion are defined, the problem issues of supporting local infrastructural projects in tourism are clarified.

Melnik L.V. The product competitiveness and its increase tendency on Khmelnitska region market

The state of food markets and industry Khmelnitsky region was analyzed. The level of competitiveness of agricultural production in the region was determined. Its impact on food safety. Directions of increasing the competitiveness of the food industry and their products in the food market Khmelnitsky region.

Krekhoveckiy V.V. Transport provision of administrative districts of Ivano-Frankivsk region

The article considers the role and function of transport in the territorial systems, on the example of the administrative districts of Ivano-Frankivsk region; the relationships between transport and nature, people and economy have been shown; focuses on the problems of regional transport provision have been done. The typology of administrative districts in terms of transport provision has been submitted.


Golubcov O.G., Putrenko V.V., Chekhniy V.M., Farion Y.M. Landscape GIS as a result of applied landscape study of administrative region: methodological aspects

The content and structure of a landscape GIS are considered. The main stages of its development are defined. The role of landscape GIS in applied landscape research on administrative district level is shown.

Voronin I.M. Informative transformation of the system’s settling apart |

In the article the analysis of influencing of process of informatization is given on forming of the new system of settling apart of population.

Kurach T.M. Purposefulness classification geographical maps

We describe the systematic nature of the purposes of classification of geographical maps. Based on the general theory of classification by "objectives tree" as a system of classification of the purposes of geographical maps. Three main criteria: final, empirical, scientific study. Six additional criteria relating to the effective implementation of the classification.

Orechenko A.V. Production department management for 3d realistic cartografic modelscreating

There are analyzed the functions of specialists which may be included to 3D realistic maps department. The important worker's abilities for orders receiving and its successful execution are described. The 3D models production organization specialties are characterized.


Bredickin A.V., Blinova Y.M. Relief functions in recreational-geomorphologic systems in regions with active current geodynamics

In a progressively developing scope of tourism the interconnection of relief, as the basis of the landscape, recreation, and tourism has become particularly topical question. The study of these connections opens new perspectives not only for the further development of tourist business, but also for scientific activities, since such developments in the study of geomorphological and recreational areas will allow more efficient use of natural resources, as well as ensure the safety of recreation.

Gavrelenko O.P., Boyko Y.V. Geoecological principles realization ways for the aims of the nature protection geotechnical systems planning

The main ways of geoecological principles realization for the aims of the nature protection geotechnical systems planning are considered. Taking into account modern not effective use of nature protection activity, among these ways it is necessary to select such: adherence of principles of nature protection measures everywhere; their territorial differentiation; creation of management and control nature protection activity. An ultimate goal must be a severe observance of geoecological approach at nature protection geotechnical systems planning.

Trofimova T.P., Girkov I.I. The ecological status of the unique lake Nidzhili

Hydrochemical and hydrological research lakes Nidzhili Republic Saha (Yakutia) is conducted. The lake is one of big on volume of water weight and one of important on intensity fishing economy uses in republic. By results limnological researches the estimation of a current state of a water ecosystem of lake is given.

Penderetskyy O.V. Neural network prediction of flow of the river Dniester

The method of forecasting the flow of the river Dniester, which is based on the theory of Neural Networks. To forecast future values of water in the river for its past values used weighted linear adaptive combiners, which consists of two parts: a linear-weighted adder with adaptive corrective weights and subsystems designed for adaptive correction of the weights and implementing the so-called LMS-algorithm .

Key words: river Dniester, drains, flooding, neural networks, polynomial, valid values, predicted values, the error.

Antonov O.V., Vinarchuk O.O., Kravchinckiy R.L. Estimation of water-resource potential of the Khorol river

In this article are shown the basic aspects of natural terms and natural-resource potential of the Khorol river basin. On the basis of complex hydrology-hydrogeological researches it is certain quantitative estimation of perspective and prognosis resources of superficial and underground waters.

Slepcova N.P. Agrolandscapes of the northern part of Tuimaada valley

The article tells about natural conditions and peculiarities of agrolandscapes of valley Tuimaada of Middle Lena river. The types of the sub-class of agrolandscapes of the territory are presented here.

Karmazinenko S.Р. The stages of micromorphological investigations of fossil soils and deposits on the territory of Ukraine

The main specific peculiarities of fossil soils and deposits of Ukraine are descried. The role and place of micromorphological method in their investigation are shown. On the base of other scientists achievements the main stages of micromorphological investigation of ancient soils and deposits were defined and wildly characterized. The separate place is devoted to laboratory stage of investigation where the micromorphological analysis and synthesis of soil slices are carried out. Key words: fossil soils, micromorphological methods, stages of micromorphological investigation.

 Gorbunov R.V., Lapchenko V.A., Besedina T.Y. The role of synoptic situations in dynamics of landscapes states

This article examines the impact of alternation of synoptic situations on the dynamics of weather conditions of landscapes. It is represented that each synoptic situation, depending on the season, has a characteristic set of weather conditions of landscapes.

Keywords: synoptic situation, landscape state, dynamics, diurnal rhythmical structure

Didovec Y.S. Global climate change: anthropological or natural effect?

Reason of global climate change now are actual. Whether humanity is actual strong influence nature, that changes climate? Or it only is an appropriate recurrence of change of temperatures under act of natural factors? Contradictory theories of global warming.

Riga K.I. Leisure landscapes: fundamental approach to understanding the role of forests and woodlands in the tourism sector

The article touches upon the main ways of tourist-recreational activity organization within the forest ecosystems. The basic principles, connected with the increasing of silviculture effectiveness, are developed. Several managerial measures, directed at valuable woodlands preservation and improving of tourist service quality, are proposed.