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UDC 911.2 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2023.73.53-59

Ismayilov Mirnuh Javad oghlu Institute of Geography, Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

Gulıyev Mirmahmud Ramiz oghlu Institute of Geography, Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan


Aim: This article aims to assess the ecological situation in the Gudyalchay-Samurchay interfluve area to support landscape planning and socio-economic management. The study focuses on identifying natural-anthropogenic effects, sustainability, natural resources, socio-economic functions, and natural-anthropogenic conflicts in the area.

Methodology: The study employs landscape-ecological planning and analysis techniques to evaluate the ecological condition of landscapes in the area. The tension level of the ecological situation is categorized into five levels: satisfactory, dangerous, stressed, crisis, and catastrophic. The assessment considers various landscape types and their structural and functional characteristics, as well as the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors.

Results: The study reveals that landscapes with satisfactory ecological conditions are predominantly found in nival and subnival rock-glacial ecosystems. However, other landscape types show limited areas with satisfactory conditions. Dangerous, stressed, crisis, and catastrophic ecological situations are observed in different landscape types, with varying degrees of ecological stress and irreversible changes in the landscape components.

The ecological assessment and the implementation of the ecological carcass concept are crucial for landscape planning and the sustainable development of the Gudyalchay-Samurchay interfluve area. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and land managers in balancing socio-economic activities with ecological considerations, protecting natural resources, and improving the overall ecological situation in the region.

Scientific Novelty: The article highlights the concept of the ecological carcass as a framework for nature protection and management. It emphasizes the importance of specially protected natural areas, ecological corridors, natural forest ecosystems, and ecological education for local communities. The ecological carcass approach aims to ensure the ecological balance, prevent biodiversity loss and landscape degradation, and promote sustainable coexistence of humans and natural resources.

Keywords: Greater Caucasus, efficient use of nature, landscapes, degree of ecological tension, ecological carcass.


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