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Автор: Administrator |
Вівторок, 21 листопада 2023 07:52 |
UDC: 911.2 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2023.73.60-64 Tevekkul Sadıgov Baku State University, Baku,Azerbaijan MANAGEMENT OF STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF SEMI-DESERT LANDSHAFTS OF KARABAKH AND MIL PLAIN Relevance of the topic. The modern anthropogenic complexes formed in the semi-desert landscapes of the Karabakh and Mil plains during different historical periods are natural-anthropogenic territorial units controlled and regulated by humans, whose structural-functional characteristics and productivity are constantly kept under control. Anthropogenic effects should be in the center of special attention in the management of structural and functional features of semi-desert landscapes in Karabakh and Mil plains. Here, special attention is paid to the structure of the agro-irrigation landscapes of the area, the degree of change of the alluvial and delluvial plains, as well as to the soil types. Due to the semi-desert, dry-desert and various intrazonal landscapes of Karabakh and the Mil Plain, these issues should always be in the center of attention, as they affect the formation and development of agriculture in our republic. The geographical features, soil and climatic conditions of Karabakh and Mil Plain were studied, and the current state of irrigation systems of the region was analyzed in this article, Research methodology and methods. In addition to the natural soil resources of the mentioned area, the article provides information about the saline soils. Here, irrigation systems, which have a special place in irrigated agriculture, and the construction and importance of canals are analyzed. The hydrogeological conditions and humidity conditions of the area are especially mentioned. For this purpose, along with the geographical features of the studied area, statistical indicators on the current state of irrigation systems, scientific works on the subject were also used. The main scientific innovation of the research is that the anthropogenic complexes formed in the semi-desert landscapes of the Karabakh and Mil plains were extensively analyzed in the article as natural-anthropogenic territorial units controlled and regulated by humans, whose structural-functional characteristics and productivity are constantly kept under control. The main scientific result of the study. Modern anthropogenic complexes formed in the semi-desert landscapes of Karabakh and Mil plains during historical periods are natural-anthropogenic territorial units controlled and regulated by people, whose structural-functional characteristics and productivity are constantly kept under control. Systematic study of the Karabakh and Mil plains and preparation of recommendations to increase their productivity are of great importance in the socio-economic development of our country. Keywords. Structural-functional, agroirrigation, landscape, anthropogenic, hydromelioration, salinity, delluvial, alluvial. Reference 1. Babayev, M.P. (2000), Babayev, М.P., Jafarov А.B. and etc. [Methodical reports on the study, use and banitization of agricultural lands. Бакu, Science], Хırda təsərrüfat torpaqlarının öyrənilməsi, istifadəsi və banitirovkasına dair metodik tövsiyyələr. Bakı: Елм, 88 s. 2. Budaqov, B. Y., Qəribov, Y.Y. (2000), Budagov. Б.A., Gyaribov Y.A. [Main directions of anthropomorphization of natural landscapes. Constructive geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Бакu, Science], Təbii landşaftların antropogenləşməsinin əsas istiqamətləri. Аzərbaycan Respublikasının konstruktiv coğrafiyası. Bakı: Elm, ss. 159-165. 3. Qəribov, Y.Y., Мəmmədbəyov E.Ş. (1989), Gyaribov, Y.Y., Mammadbayov, E.S. [The role of the anthropogenic factor in the dynamics of the landscapes of the south-eastern slopes of the Lesser Caucasus. Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences Journals, Earth Sciences, No: 6], Kiçik Qafqazın cənub-şərq yamacı landşaftlarının dinamikasında antropogen amilin rolu. Аzərbaycan Еlmlər Аkademiyasının Xəbərləri, Yer elmləri. Bakı, № 6, ss. 85-93. 4. Makhmudov, R.N. [Water resources of Azerbaijan Republic. Baku], 2003, 23 p. 5. Мəmmədov, Р.М. (2009), Mammadov, R.M. [Landscape planning in Azerbaijan, Baku], Аzərbaycanda landşaft planlaşdırılması.Bakı, 142 s. 6. Museibov, M.A. [Landscapes of Azerbaijan Republic. Baku, ed. BGU], 2011, 138 p. 7. Shirinov, N.Sh. [Geomorphological structure of the Kura-Araksin depression. Baku], 1973, 215 p. Надійшла до редколегії 21.04.2023 Прийнята до друку 23.06.2023 |
Останнє оновлення на П'ятниця, 24 листопада 2023 18:27 |