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UDC 528.4:528.4 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2023.73.64-74

Bihun Mykola Vitaliiovych Lviv Polytechnic National University, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



The purpose of the study is to analyze the contribution of geodetic methods and technologies to the detection, assessment and monitoring of geological processes and natural disasters in order to minimize their dangerous consequences for society and the environment.

Research methodology. remote sensing of the Earth, the use of satellite images and aerial photography to collect data on geological processes and the state of the environment. Method of geodetic monitoring. tracking changes in the position of objects over time, which allows detecting soil micromovements, potential landslides and other deformations. GIS technologies (geoinformation systems). Integrating and analyzing geodata to model geological processes and natural disasters, creating thematic maps that can display potential risks and assist in response planning.

The results. The task of monitoring geological changes and natural disasters using cartographic methods designed to work with many users has been set and solved, significantly increasing the level of safety and prompt response to emergency events. An important aspect in the implementation of geodetic observations is the use of an integrated approach that includes field research, geodetic analysis and remote sensing data. This ensures higher accuracy and efficiency of monitoring.

Scientific novelty. The research focuses on identifying effective approaches to the collection, processing and analysis of spatial data that can be used for timely prediction and prevention of catastrophic events, as well as for emergency response planning. The developed adapted model of risk assessment of natural emergency situations, which is based on the analysis of terrain conditions at various times, allows to increase the accuracy of risk assessments.

Practical significance. The use of remote monitoring methods ensures prompt receipt of information and the possibility of taking measures for nature protection in a timely manner. The conceptual model made it possible to identify the factors of man-made influence, assess the condition of soils and vegetation, as well as perform a cartographic analysis of disturbed lands in order to develop measures for their restoration. The created thematic maps of the dynamics of disturbed lands serve as a basis for making management decisions aimed at systematic restoration and reduction of negative man-made impacts, opening up new perspectives for the use of interactive technologies in geodesy.

Keywords: geodetic technologies, geological processes, monitoring of natural disasters, land resources, digital terrain model, laser scanning.


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Надійшла до редколегії 09.12.2023

Прийнята до друку 20.12.2023

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