Issue 22 |
I. GEOGRAPHY OF RECREATION AND TOURISM: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ISSUES Smirnov I.G., Golovko V.V. Multinationals in tourism: sectoral and regional characteristics Revealed the modern features of development, branch and regional development and activity of TNC in tourism. Key words: tourism multinationals, tourism market, tourism industry. Mechkovska O.A. Methodological bases of study of the spatial structure of tourism The article describes the theoretical and methodological basis of a comprehensive analysis of the economic and geographical tourism space, allowing a developed tourist image of the region or country, and to identify current trends in the development of tourism. The role air transportation system of Ukraine as part of the tourism infrastructure, problems and prospects for further development of tourism in the context of cooperation between tourism enterprises of air carriers. Much attention in the article is paid to competitive air transportation system of Ukraine with its factors, functions, structures and patterns of territorial organization. Key words: air transportation system, tourism infrastructure, competitiveness, a tour company. It was considered elements of the information environment in tourism due to their integrated hierarchical levels, compiled and analyzed the rating of Ukrainian tourism portals visit and made suggestions to improve the formation of the information environment of tourism industry. Key words: tourist information environment, automation of travel companies, travel portals, global reservation system, ranking travel portals. Voronin I.M. Analysis of the real estate market in the national hotel industry In this article is analyzes the hotel’s segment of the property market in Ukraine. Identified the problems and the main directions of further development. Key words: hotel industry, the property market. Shulga V.P. Strategic management of eco-tourism development in the context of natural resource use The new approaches to strategic management of ecotourism development in national. parks are considered. A concept of ecotourism management in the Sumy region is provided. Key words: ecotourism, strategic management, rational nature using. In the article are examined questions, related to the role and influence of computer information technologies on the process of development of tourist activity. The features of transition of the use of the informative systems are examined in a tourist sphere on the new paradigm of development in the globalizing world. Key words: tourism activity, information system, tourism, globalization. Basiuk D.I. State and prospects of ukrainian-argentine tourist cooperation The paper considers the socio-economic conditions of cooperation between Ukraine and the Argentine Republic in the field of tourism, the main types of tourism products in the Ukrainian market of Argentina, outlines future prospects for ukrainian-argentine international tourist exchanges. Key words: Argentina, tourism potential, argentine-ukrainian international tourist exchanges. Timoshenko Y.A. Tourism exhibitions as an actual modern marketing decision The article describes the travel exhibition as the most effective marketing solution in today's economy. Was articulated and reasoned determination of the impact of various factors on the effectiveness and appropriateness of participation in exhibitions of travel companies and calculated parameters of economic performance. Key words: exhibition, exhibitional marketing, tourism. Beliakova A.E. Factors of emergence of reclamations in the travel company The article describes the factors that contribute to the formation complaint at the tourist company, which in turn are divided into two groups: that have arisen from the tourist and that of the tourist enterprise. Key words: complaint, factors, tourist, travel company, complaint, range of services, claim. Displaying the current social and economic situations of the Ukrainian village. Considered the rural green tourism as a factor in the revival of country areas and to reduce unemployment in the country side. There are priorities, forms and streams of influence rural tourism on the development of agricultural areas are viewed in the article. Key words: rural tourism, agritourism, depressed territories, the restructuring of the rural economy. Olishevska Y.A., Panchenko V.V. Theoretical aspects of rural tourism In the article are summarized the approaches to the definition of "rural tourism" and its associated kinds of tourism, revealed the difference between these concepts. Are analyzed the regulatory framework control of rural tourism. Proposed own approach to the determining ratio between rural tourism, ecotourism, agritourism, agriecotourism and green tourism. Key words: rural tourism, ecotourism, biological tourism, natural tourism, green tourism, farm tourism, agritourism, agriecotourism, argofarmsteads, means of accommodation. Yacenko A.D. On the definition of «recreational use of forests» In this article examines the basic principles and approaches on the definition of «recreational use of forest» by various scholars, both domestic and foreign. Key words: recreation, recreational use of forest. The analysis of development preconditions as well as current status of Hasidic pilgrimage to sacred places is observed. The features of location and preservation of these objects in Ukraine are investigated. Key words: Hasidic pilgrimage, Hasidic sacred places, prospects of Hasidic pilgrimage development. Kodinec I.V. The presence of the Austrians in Ukraine as a tourism resource of ethnogenic tourism A tourism resource base of ethnogeny tourism destinations is being analyzed. The preconditions for the development of ethnogeny tourism on the territory of Ukraine on the example of Austrians are being determined. Key words: Austrians, ethnogeny, tourism, resources. Kornilova N.V. Event tourism in Ukraine In this article, the peculiarities of even tourism in Ukraine on the example of festival movement development have been analyzed. Key words: event tourism, event resources; gastronomic, ethnic, historic, art, music and theme festivals. Radchenko O.M. Social networks in the tourism of Ukraine The article tells about the current use of social networks in the tourism of Ukraine and attempts to define the ways of its improvement. The presence of touristic operators in the most popular social media is analyzed. Key words: social network, Facebook, MySpace, social bookmarking. The possibility of the development of sports speleotourism based on artificial cavities mining origin, lit database spelestologicheskih Krivbass objects, determining their complexity, assess the potential for the organization speleopohodov various difficulty. Key words: tourism, sports tourism, caving, spelestologiya, Kryvbas. Penderecki O.V. Industrial tourism cluster of Carpathian region The article examines the cluster approach in industrial tourism. The basis is the creation and implementation of a unique product that has no physical form, but capable of developing and improving involve many other sectors, including small and medium enterprises. Key words: industrial tourism, competition, small and medium business, cluster, cluster approach. Uvarova G.Sh. The recreational use of the Desna river The article analyses the current conditions of recreation in the Desna river basin, determines the ways of further development of the recreational activities taking into account the principle of the sustainable use of natural-aquatic complex of the river and its preservation. Key words: recreation, Desna, recreation activity, natural-aquatic complex. It was analyzed the content of socio-economic infrastructure of small historic towns of Ivano-Frankivsk region in the context of the territory. It was found the role of socio-economic factors in the development of towns ingeneral and tourism including. It was clarified the major socio-economic problems of the studied settlements. Key words: small historic towns, social infrastructure, economic conditions of the tourist infrastructure. Lubitseva O.O., Zaleshik V.V. Tourism and recreation zoning of Luhansk region Analyze the current infrastructure of tourism, historical, cultural and recreational potential of Lugansk region, a scheme of recreation and tourism zoning and identify areas of specialization designated areas. Zavarica G.M. Development of rekreaciynikh possibilities of the Lugansk area In the article the question is about development of rekreaciynikh possibilities of the Lugansk area. Main attention is spared suggestions on the use of local natural resources with the purpose of development of internal tourism. Key words: climatic resort, tourist image, kumisoterapiya, ipoterapiya, psammoterapiya, terrenkur, glinolikuvannya, hydropa In the article the problems of the medical tourism terminology are highlighted, the trends of the SPA-industry development are mentioned, and the basic problems of formation SPA-tourism in Crimea are analysed. Key words: spa tourism, wellness, spa, sanatorium development trends, tourist flow. Shyvala Y.A. The geography of rural tourism in the Ukrainian Carpathians The article defined the features of the geography of rural tourism. Analyzed the main regularities of spatial distribution of rural homesteads in the Carpathian region. The analysis of the services provided to tourists in the Carpathian rural homesteads. Identified the analysis of the territorial organization of rural tourism farmsteads in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Key words: rural tourism, farmstead, Ukrainian Carpathians Zavadovskiy T.B. Key aspects of promotion city of L’viv The aim of the article is the research of marketing and promotion of L’viv, marketing planning, tourist inquiry on city promotion, analysis of city marketing and promotion and their influence on tourism development, working out of recommendations, practical mechanisms of realization and realization concept of marketing. Key words: L’viv promotion, marketing, tourist product advertisement, tourist services. ІІ. REGIONAL AND HUMAN GEOGRAPHY: TOPICAL ISSUES AND CURRENT PROBLEMS OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY AND AREA STUDIES The problems of financial support of regional development are shown in the article. The ways of sustainable financial development and effective use of finance in the priority direction of region development are substantiated. Key words: regional development, financial support, financial resources. Smal V.V. Development of the knowledge economy in Ukraine and European Union: comparative analysis The paper presents results of the research devoted to the analysis of indices of Ukraine knowledge economy development in comparison with European Union countries. The most problem knowledge-based spheres, which need state support are revealed. Key words: European Union, knowledge economy, knowledge-based sphere. Stafiychuk V.I. Political and geographical analysis of development strategies Ukraine and Russia The were analyzed the foreign economic and foreign policy doctrines of Ukraine and Russia. The attention was paid to the differences in the strategies of economic, political and social life and the importance of the transition to the generally accepted norms of relationships. Key words: strategy of development, domestic and foreign policy, Ukraine-Russia relations. Beydick O.O., Syrovets S.Y. Comparison of tourist mezoregion Russia and Belarus and the Central The comparative characteristics of tourist mezorayoniv Russia and Belarus, and the Centraleuropean, offered heopolitychnoaktsentovanu regional geographic characteristics of the territory and the fundamental monitoring structural and logical model for evaluating factors of recreational and tourist complexes. Key words: World Heritage sites, specific resource and tourism space, geopolitical perspective, structural and logical model, factors of recreation. Nych T.V. Factors of the formation of the intellectual potential of a region The article disclosed system factors shaping intellectual potential. Preconditions for Economic and Social Development of Regions. Key words: factors shaping, intellectual potential, region. Oliynyk S.L. Self-organization in social system Society as difficult social system with difficult structure which various elements form, components, divisions is considered. The main modern mechanism and means for optimization and maintenance of steady functioning of public system is population self-organization, Key words: population self-organization, social system, sustainable development. The article offers an overview of international publications on polarization of socio-political development in Ukraine, particularly on electoral cleavages factors, and compares discussion themes with those of domestic research. Key words: regional polarization, electoral cleavage. Klimchuk B.P. Regional proportions of integrated development of Volyn region The socio-geographical analysis of complex-proportional development of Volyn region was done. The disparities of social development in the region was revealed. The territorial withdrawal on the level of comprehensive development of Volyn region was discovered. Key words: complex-proportional development, social development, Volyn region. Mironyuk N.V. Historical and geographical factors of the Volyn region cultural sphere Proved the importance of historical and geographical factors on the functioning of the cultural sphere. We characterize the conditions of culture Volyn region throughout historical time. Singled out seven historical periods forming cultural sphere mezorehionu which coincide with political stages. Analyzed that the development of culture conditions were characteristic of each historical period and how they influenced the current situation in the cultural field mezorehionu. Most attention is paid to the Soviet period, due to the fact that at this time the formation of a network of institutions and cultural sphere, which has been preserved in its majority and still functioning. The prospects for further research historical features of the cultural industry Volyn region. Key words:. historical and geographical factors, historical periods, historical conditions, culture and cultural institutions, component structure of the cultural sphere. Ilyiv O.M. The current territorial organization of secondary education institutions in Volyn region The component structure of secondary education has been analyzed; the current status of secondary education institutions’ development has been defined; the level of development of secondary education in regions has been defined; the rates of secondary education institutions’ location inequality and their sufficiency among the population have been calculated. Key words: secondary education institutions, secondary education institutions’ sufficiency rate, coefficient of educational institutions’ location inequality, localization index. Analyzes the current development of Zakarpattya region’s international railway communication. Disclosed affected by natural factors. Displaying important problemі does not allow an increase in passenger traffic in international railway communication. Key words: international railway communication, Zakarpattya region’s, natural factors. The development of modern exogenous processes within the eurocorridor were briefly characterized in the article. The geomorfological areas and the naturally-technogenical processes were represented on the scheme. The exogenous processes were represented on the map of quaternary deposits. The features of distribution of the quaternary deposits were considered and distribution in them the unfavorable phenomena. The indexes of accumulation of heavy metals in the soils near highway were analysed. Key words: geomorfological area,s exogenous processes, quaternary deposits. IІІ. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY: THEORY AND PRACTICE The article presents results of visual researches of coastal areas of Kaliningrad: historical recreation water objects. In the focus of the study are some aspects of hydrochemical conditions. Volovik V.M. Tafal landscapes of cemeteries The article analyzes the concept of ethnocultural landscape as a selection region. Ethnocultural landscape is seen as an object of study of regional ethnocultural Landscape. Emphasized the superiority of an interdisciplinary approach, taking into account the achievements of physical geography, history, ethnology, geopolitics, social and economic geographers. Key words: cemetery, tafal landscape, cultural landscape, ethnocultural landscape, region. Smirnov Y.V. Analytical overview of the European classification systems of land resources Considered the basic European classification systems of land resources. Analyzed the possibilities of their use in mapping of land resources of Ukraine. Key words: land resources, mapping, classification. The estimation of structure of the use of earth is conducted for the catchment area of the little small river. The features of the naturally-economic use are set for Polesye and part of forest steppe of area Key words: catchment area of the little small river, use of earth, forest, earth of the use in agriculture, arable lands, industrial and populated territories. Kiriluk O.V., Kiriluk S.M. Hydromorphologic-geoecological monitoring of small river Practical importance of dissertation concludes the possibility of the proposed monitoring and algorithm application in order to solve methodological and applicative problems connected with the operation of systems “basin-river-man” and “basin-river-bed” in the view of contemporary action and human needs; necessity in modification of customer-type stereotypes for natural resource use as well as provision of recommendations regarding revitalization of basin systems and small rivers. Key words: monitoring, basin-river-bed, for natural resource use. Dibrova I.O. Model identification of Kyiv reservoir coastal zone geosystems It was elaborated the procedure for identification of geo-systems of large plain reservoirs coastal zone aimed to geo-ecological nature management optimization. Identification procedure was tested as a whole with satisfactory results using created information basis for coastal zone of Kyiv reservoir. Key words: Kyiv reservoir, reservoirs coastal zone, nature management optimization Gromyk O.M. The content of radionuclides in soils of Manevychi administrative district The density of contamination of soils and plants in the towns of Volyn region is considered. The fact is revealed that sod-podzolic sandy, sandy loam and peat-bog soils undergo the maximum contamination. Key words: radioactive pollution, soils, vegetation cover, settlement. Slizka K.P. Definition of heat wave Considering the steady increase of dangerous and especially dangerous meteorological phenomena in the world, the review of the scientific literature about the study of phenomenon of heat waves in XXI century was made. Need of such researches in Ukraine in connection with the big influence of high temperatures on human health, agriculture and infrastructure is noted. Key words: heat wave, the classification of heat waves, hot period, warm period. |