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Friday, 10 March 2017 14:23

Goal. To expand the importance, nature and different approaches to efficient logistics organization of big city tourist area (on example of Lviv and Kyiv) and case of sacral tourism.
Method. The study uses the author's method of logistical investigation and optimization of tourism space in a big city (example of Lviv and Kyiv) and case of sacral tourism based on sustainable development. The main provisions of this technique: the geographical and logistical identification of tourism resource base; logistical planning of tourist flows and defining of their needs; logistical design of tourist infrastructure; logistical design of tourist infrastructure supply chains.
Results. Determined marketing and logistics components of effective organization of the tourist area on the example of Lviv and Kyiv and case of sacral tourism. Disclosed experience of Lviv on a successful city branding on the international and domestic travel markets, proposed measures to regulate and redistribution of tourist flows in central parts of Lviv and Kyiv, as well as measures to ensure the sustainable development of sacred tourism in Ukraine.
Scientific novelty. Shown for the first time the problem of effective logistical organization of travel space in great city on the principles of sustainable tourism development on the example of Lviv and Kyiv and the case of sacral tourism.
The practical significance. It consists in applying theoretical positions of effective logistical organization of the tourist area in a big city on the principles of sustainable tourism on example of Lviv and Kyiv and the case of sacral tourism to practice of sustainable tourism development in the central parts of major cities by regulation and de-concentration of tourist flows of foreign and domestic visitors.
Keywords: tourism space, sacral tourism, logistical organization, logistical planning, tourism infrastructure.
1. Antonjuk N., Perspektivi rozvitku єvropejs'kogo turizmu na 2014-2020 rr. / N.Antonjuk, O.Kraєvs'ka // Vіsnik L'vіvs'kogo unіversitetu. Serіja Mіzhnarodnі vіdnosini. 2014. Vip.34. – S. 133-141.
2. Viktorova M. Chernaja deva iz Shartra / M.Viktorova // Zagadki istorii. – 2015. - № 32. – S. 5.
3. Dorotich M. Krasivoju bula bi ploshha Rinok – jakbi ne budіvlja merії / M.Dorotich. // Visokij zamok. – 2015. – 28 travnja – 3 chervnja.
4. Dorotich M. Prospekt Shevchenka maє stati drugoju ploshheju Rinok / M.Dorotich. // Visokij zamok. – 2015. – 9-15 lipnja. – S. 10.
5. Dorotich M. Ofіcіanti v kafe «zashivalisja» / M.Dorotich. // Visokij zamok. – 2015. – 17-23 veresnja. – S. 12.
6. Kuprijanov A. Poterjannyj mir / A.Kuprijanov // Zagadki istorii. – 2015. - №43. – S.16-18.
7. Loktev O. Put' very: kto takoj palomnik /O.Loktev, A.Bychkovskaja // Segodnja. – 2015. – 4 veresnja. – S. 20.
8. Mamchur N. Podol Stanet peshehodnym / N.Mamchur // Fakty. – 2015. – 29 lipnja. – S. 5.
9. Rodionov I. Zastezhka Svjatogo Petra / I.Rodionov // Zagadki istorii. – 2015. - № 32. – S. 5.
10. Romashko M. Chasovye vremeni / M.Romashko // Zagadki istorii. – 2015. - № 38. – S. 4-5.
11. Smal' І.V. Geografіja turizmu ta rekreacії: slovnik-dovіdnik / І.V. Smal'. – Ternopіl': Navchal'na kniga – Bogdan, 2010. – 208 s.
12. Shandor F.F. Suchasnі rіznovidi turizmu: pіdruchnik / F.F. Shandor, M.P. Kljap. – K.: Znannja, 2013. – 334 s.
13. Visokij zamok. – 2015. – 10-16 grudnja. – S. 19.
14. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of Europe “The world's No 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe”, Brussels, 30.6.2010, COM (2010) 352 final. – Mode of access: http://eurlex.europe.eu/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2010:0352:FIN:EN:PDF.
15. EDEN – European Destinations of Excellence. – Mode of access: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/tourism/eden/.
16. Europe 2020: EU's growth strategy. – Mode of access: htt://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm/.
17. Smyrnov I.G. Marketing mix of sustainable tourism: case of the National Nature Park «Synevyr» // In «A new vole of marketing and communication technologies in business and society: local and global aspects»: Monograph / Ed. By Y.S. Larina, O.O. Romanenko. – USA, St. Locis, Missouri: PH «Science & Innovation Center, Ltd», 2015. – P. 433-446.

Purpose. In the scientific article the development of tourism in India at present was studied by the following indicators: employment of the working population in tourist area, tourism revenue, gross income in foreign currency and the number of foreign tourists.
Results. The influence of the main factors and preconditions for the development of tourism in the country, namely economic and geographical position, natural conditions and resources, historical background, cultural and religious backgrounds, and others were analyzed. The most popular tourist destinations of India and tourism, which they circulated are found.
Method. During the research the following methods such as analysis, comparative, historical, statistical, forecasting, systems and others were used.
Scientific innovation. India is characterized as one of the most perspective recreational tourist countries, not only in Asian macroregion, but also around the world. This paper examines the main types of tourism in India, including cultural cognitive and religious, that reached the biggest development in the country, because it is one of the oldest civilizations in the world.
Practical meaning. The  researched results  may be deposited used in studing such disciplines as "Geography", "Principles of international tourism", "Recreational geography", "Fundamentals of Investment tourism management", "Tourism geography of Asia" in lectures and seminars at the Faculty of International Relations.
Key words: India, tourism, tourist region, tourist activities, geotouristіс position, tourist center, tourist resourse.
1. Aleksandrova O. International tourism: Textbook / O. Alexandrova. - K., 2001. - 456 p.
2. Aksenova L. Countries of the World: Encyclopedia / L. Aksenova. - K., 2006. - 640 p.
3. Vasiliev L. History of East / L. Vasilyev. - K., 1994 - 340 p.
4. Gladky Y. Economic and social geography of foreign countries: Textbook / Y. Gladkyj ,    V. Sukhorukov. - K., 2008. - 461 p.
5. Horyachkyna T. Countries of the world: the current directory / T. Horyachkyna, I. Yarych. - K., 2008. - 608 p.
6. G. Grinenko. Reading on the history of world culture / G. Grinenko. - M .: Yurayt, 1998. –      669 p.
7. M. Edwards. Ancient India. Way of life, Religion, Culture / Tr.from English. S. Merkulova. - M., 2005. – 243 p.
8. Zorina G. Basics of tourist activity / G. Zorina. - N., 2001. - 121 p.
9. Lyvanova A. Meeting with India / A. Lyvanova. - Minsk, 1999. – 115 p.
10. Maksakovsky V. Economic and Social Geography: Textbook / V. Maksakovsky. - K., 2008. - 398 p.
11. Pandey R. Ancient Indian home customs : Tr. from English. A. Vihasyna / R Pandey. - M., 1990. - 319 p.
12. Semenov V. Tourism in India / V. Semenov - K., 2004. - 154 p.
13. R. Ultsyferov. India. Karmannaya Encyclopedia / R. Ultsyferov. - Moscow, 2006. - 231 p.
14. World Tourism Organization UNWTO. - [Electronic resourse]. - Mode of access: www2.unwto.org/ru

Goals. To consider the impact of religious heritage sites on the operation of rural tourism as an example of cross-border regions of Ukraine, Hungary and Romania.
Methodology. This paper presents the of the religious component in rural tourism as an example of religious routes in Ukrainian Transcarpathian, Hungarian Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye and Romania Județul Satu Mare, which follows on from ERASMUS + KA1 project called "Back to the Nature".
Results. Identified opportunities of using religious heritage and its role in tourism in rural areas and regional diversities as an example of cross-border regions.
Scientific novelty. For the first time considered usage of the religious heritage of the epoch Continental Reformed Church on the cross-border territories of Ukraine, Romania and Hungary, as well as their role in the formation of rural tourism.
Practical significance. Consists in studying the practice of using religious heritage tourism by the example of neighboring and related regions of Ukraine for that experiences adaptation in Ukrainian conditions of development of rural tourism.
Keywords: religious tourism, church route, religious heritage, rural tourism.
1.Dmytruk O.Iu. Landshaftno-rekreatsiini systemy Zakarpatskoi oblasti: monohrafiia / O.Iu. Dmytruk, S.I. Ulihanets – Iprpin: Vydavnytstvo NUDPSU, 2013. – 196 s.
2.Erasmus+ project calledBack to the Nature”, Vasarosnameny, Hungary, 01.06.2015 -16.06.2015 – Identification number 2014-3-HU02-KA105-000647;
3.Középkori Templomok Útja [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http://www.temple-tour.eu/hu .

Aim – to analyze the development of tourism for disabled persons in Ukraine, appropriateness of the infrastructure in the sphere of service, namely in touristic sphere, to the needs of this category of society and the international experience of the tourism development for disabled persons and possibility of its interpretation for the Ukrainian tourism market.
Methods – investigation of the development of tourism for disabled is based on the combination of sectorial and spatial analysis methods. For the research there has been used the system approach with the appliance of statistic, analytic and comparative methods. This methodology includes the analysis of the conditions and factors of development of the tourism for the disabled in the country on the basis of such indexes as: amount of the disabled in different oblasts of Ukraine, the number of disabled people in Ukraine according to disability groups, amount of disabled people according to their age, the number of disabled people in Ukraine by the type of injury, etc.; and determination of the level of accessibility to tourist sites in compliance with the demands to the services provided to the disabled.
Results – in the article there has been analyzed the modern state of development of the tourism for the disabled people, attention is focused on the accessibility of tourist sites in particular services related to transportation. There has been analyzed development of the tourism for the disabled people abroad, namely in Sweden, Germany, Finland, Spain, Greece, Switzerland, France, Poland. In particular, attention has been drawn to the role of the state and the interest of the business owners in the development of social tourism, including tourism for the disabled people. Taking into consideration the international experience there has been worked out algorithm of actions in the development of tourism for the disabled. However there has been stated a certain condition – cooperation of the executive authorities, local government, civil society and professional organizations and businesses. There has also been proved necessity of social projects to increase the number of disabled in the share of tourists.
Scientific novelty – for the first time, on the basis of industry-spatial research there has been analyzed the development of tourism for the disabled people. Results of the study could form the basis for writing term papers, qualification papers, lectures and practical training material, monitoring of domestic tourist market.
Practical meaning – is in the objective analysis of the current state of tourism for the disabled and the definition of the role of international programs and grants for the socialization of this part of society, primarily through their participation in tourist events.
Key words: tourism, disabled, appropriateness of the tourist infrastructure, accessibility to tourist sites, information accessibility, rehabilitation.
1.Analysis of the five major problems of creating barrier-free environment for the disabled on the basis of the "All Ukraine" [Analiz piaty osnovnykh problem stvorennia bezbariernoho seredovyshcha dlia invalidiv za pidsumkamy proektu «Dostupna Ukraina»], available at: http://www.socio.org.ua/uk/analiz-pyati-osnovnih-problem-stvorennya-bezbariernogo-seredovishcha-dlya-invalidiv-za-pidsumkami (in Ukrainian)
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5.Affordable Prykarpattya, Ivano-Frankivsk regional tourist information center [Dostupne Prykarpattia: Ivano-Frankivskyi rehionalnyi turystychno-informatsiinyi tsentr], available at: http://www.rtic.if.ua/objects /c17/32.html (in Ukrainian)
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8.Zhyrak, L. M. (2010), “Active tourism for disabled people in Poland” [“Aktyvnyi turyzm dlia nepovnospravnykh osib v Polshchi”], Visnyk Prykarpatskoho universytetu. Fizychna kultura, Vyp. 12, pp. 90-95. (in Ukrainian)
9.Zhyrak, L. M. (2011) “Tourism and local history as a means of social adaptation and integration of children with special needs” [“Turyzm i kraieznavstvo yak zasib suspilnoi adaptatsii ta intehratsii ditei z osoblyvymy potrebamy”] Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu, No.2, pp. 50-52. (in Ukrainian)
10.Caritas of Ivano-Frankivsk Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church [Ivano-Frankivskyi karitas UHKTS], available at: http://caritas.if.ua (in Ukrainian)
11.Maltese Aid Service [Maltiiska sluzhba dopomohy], available at: http://www.malteser.if.ua/uk (in Ukrainian)
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13.Polova, L.V. (2013), Training of the hotel industry specialists to provide services for people with disabilities [Pidhotovka fakhivtsiv z hotelnoi industrii do nadannia posluh dlia liudei z osoblyvymy potrebamy], available at: http://nauka.kushnir.mk.ua/?p=68167 (in Ukrainian)
14.Portal of the National Assembly of the Disabled of Ukraine [Portal Natsionalnoi Asamblei Invalidiv Ukrainy], available at: http://www.netbaryerov.org.ua/index.php/dostup/ metodika (in Ukrainian)
15.Potikha, A. (n.d.) Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation of the participants of ATO [Sotsialno-psykholohichna ta medychna reabilitatsiia uchasnykiv ATO], available at: http://nbuviap.gov.ua/index.php?option=com_content&;view=article&id=858:reabilitatsiya-uchasnikiv-ato&catid=8&Itemid=350 (in Ukrainian)
16.. Svarnyk, M., Hrybalskyi Ya., Voitiuk, Yu. , Sviet Ye., Revina, T., Liubimov, A., Stadnyk,O., Voloshynskyi, O., Strielnykov, O., Dubrovskyi, I.and Fedorovych, O., (n.d.) Guide to recreation and tourism for the disabled [Posibnyk z aktyvnoho vidpochynku ta turyzmu dlia nepovnospravnykh], Tovarystvo “Zelenyi khrest”, Lviv, 151 p., aialable at: http://www.gcs.org.ua/publish/avt_ukr.pdf (in Ukrainian)
17.Ukrainian State Medical and Social Center [Ukrainskyi derzhavnyi medyko-sotsialnyi tsentr], available at: http://www.theinsider.ua/lifestyle/566568f6484e6 (in Ukrainian)
18.Social Fund for the disabled [Fond sotsialnoho zakhystu invalidiv], available at: http://www.ispf.gov.ua (in Ukrainian)
19.Social Communications Research Centre [Tsentr doslidzhen sotsialnykh komunikatsii], available at: http://nbuviap.gov.ua/index.php?option=com_content&;view=category&layout=blog&id=8&Itemid=348 (in Ukrainian)

Goal. Identify the objective possibilities of tourist-excursion activity in Ukraine for people with disabilities.
Methods. Used comparative-geographic, cartographic, statistical, monographic methods, were used modern computer technology.
Results.There have been found objective possibilities of tourist-excursion activity in Ukraine for people with disabilities. Also, the map model have been design, that reflects the potential of national parks for the development of adaptive tourism and it plays key role in optimization at regional level. Determined the role of nation nature parks of Ukraine as a promising place for tourist and excursion for people with low mobility. The understanding of the adaptive infrastructure of the city was deepened and comprehend
The practical significance. Materials of article may use by organizations and agencies at national, regional and local level, implementing appropriate programs aimed at integrating people with signs of disability to society.
Key words: adaptive tourism, tourist-excursion routes, national nature parks, rehabilitation of people with disabilities, adaptive infrastructure.
1.Abdurasulov D.A. Possibilities of domestic tourism for people with disabilities/D.A. Abdurasulova // Social problem. – 2013. - №7 (3). – с.23-28
2.Sigeda E.A. Adaptive tourism – social direction of development tourism service// Journal of association of university of tourism and tourism service. – 2011. - №4 (19). – с.38-42.
3. National assembly of people with disabilities. Tourist routes for blind people. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://naiu.org.ua/u-kiyevi-vidkrili-turistichnij-marshrut-dlya-slipih
4. Petrov D. World feel. Invalid tourism - luxury or necessity? - [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://gazeta.zn.ua/SOCIETY/mir_na_oschup__invalidnyy_turizm__roskosh_ili_neobhodimost.html.
5. Sazhnev M.L. The history of wheelchair tourism in the world and in Ukraine. – К.:M. Dragomanova NPU , 2011. - №14(26) – 243-245p.
A. Voloshynska Countryside holidays for disabled , owner's manual ahroosel and people with disabilities who want to start their own business . – Lviv : Liga-Press, 2011. – 232 p.
7. Statistical Yearbook of Ukraine for 2014 . State Statistics Service. – К, 2015. – 585p.

Purpose. The article is to define the strategic vectors of development of tourism in the region and the development of organizational, legal, economic, aimed at ensuring an effective solution to the problem of dynamic and sustainable development of the tourism sector in the Ternopil region. It is proved that the comprehensive development of the tourism potential is extremely difficult and time-consuming process, since comprehensive of the sector development efforts must bring together all the actors of the tourism market and stakeholders to develop and implement the overall concept, ultimately bring beneficial effects to each participant. In order to increase the competitiveness of Ternopil region in global and domestic market is a necessary condition for the development of tourism development strategy that would provide prioritization of certain types of tourism in the long term, ensure coordination of government and business and the definition of effective mechanisms of consolidation of resources of the tourism industry for maximum social and economic benefit.
Results. It is proved that the implementation of the outlined policy direction will lead not only to achieve the main goals of tourism development, but also will create conditions for dynamic and sustainable economic growth by increasing the share of tourism in gross regional product of Ternopil region will increase employment, income, level and quality of life people. Implementation of the goals and objectives of the strategic development of the tourism industry in the region needs to attract attention to the problems of citizens field of domestic and inbound tourism, awareness of the importance and viability of the proposed measures, identify active positions population to create an atmosphere of hospitality in the region.
Keywords: tourism industry, tourism development strategy, competitiveness, strategic goals, operational goals, objectives.
1. Horodyskyy, Y. (2012) “Problems and prospects of tourism in Ternopil region”. Visnyk of Lviv National University. A series of international relations. Issue vol. 29 (1). pp. 36-47.
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5. Kruglov, V.V (2014) “Public-private partnership as the basis of tourism and recreation clusters” / VV Kruglov // Theory and practice of public administration. Vol. 4. pp. 211-219.
6. Ternopil Region Development Strategy for the period until 2020. available at: www.oda.te.gov.ua/data/upload/publication/main/ua/.../plan_zah2015n.pdf
7. Tourly, N.P (2015) “Recreation and tourism potential of Podolsk region and its impact on the tourism sector”. Global and national economic problems. Vol. 6. pp. 579-583.
8. Romankiv, I. (2008) “Prospects for development of tourism industry in the economy of Ternopil region”. Proceedings NDFI. Vol. 1 (42). pp. 118-122.
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10. Kotler, F. (2000) “Marketing in the third millennium: How to create, win and retain market.    p. 272.
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12. Bowen, J.T. (1997). A market-driven approach to business development hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 9(7): 1–17.

The aim of the studies is to analyze tourism resources Zhovkva region and Przemysl county, evaluation, and justification of the new grouping, which would be used by the general public and applying cartographic material.
Methods: The article used general scientific methods of research, analysis and synthesis of the literature, and comparative mapping. Analysis and review of the literature: the definition of tourism resources and their division. Comparison: Compare tourism resources Zhovkva region and Przemysl county. Using the mapping technique, we have suffered a major historical and cultural and natural tourism resources.
Results. Grounded concept of tourism resources and their classification. Studied, described and grouped tourism resources for easy and intuitive mapping. Comparative characteristics of important tourist sites. Highlight the importance of tourism resources and the burden on the administrative unit areas.
Scientific novelty. Was first described and the comparative characterization using cartographic methods tourist resources Zhovkva region and Przemysl county.
The practical significance. Results of the study can be used in the departments of tourism and tourist information centers in Ukraine and Poland. Tourism businesses can attract objects to the development of tourist routes.
Keywords. Tourism resources, historical and cultural sites, Zhovkva region, Przemysl county.
1.Beydyk AA Recreation and tourist resources of Ukraine: Methodology and methods of analysis, terminology, zoning. / AA Beydyk // - K .: 2001. - p.42.
2. Hontarzhevska LI Tourism market in Ukraine / LI Hontarzhevska // - D .: East Publishing House, 2008. - 180 p.
3. VV Zasadko Cross-border cooperation Ukraine: trends, problems and prospects [electronic resource] /V.V. Zasadko // - Access: www.nbuv.gov.ua/Portal/Soc_Gum/Nvamu/Ekon/2009
4. Kuzyk S. Theoretical Problems of tourism, socio-geographical approach /S.Kuzyk// - L .: Publishing Center LNU. Ivan Franko, 2010. - p.46.
5. Maslyak PA Recreational Geography: teach. guidances. /ON. Maslyak // - K .: Knowledge, 2008. - p.77.
6. The official website for "Cross-border Cooperation Programme" Poland-Belarus-Ukraine "for 2007-2013» - http://www.pl-by-ua.eu/ua
7. Pidhrushna GP Territorial organization of cross-border space: problem and practical significance of the study /H.P. Pidhrushna // - H .: PP Vyshemyrskyy, 2009. - 488 p. - 377.
8. V. Yavkin Geographical aspects of tourism development (for example, Ukraine and Poland): monograph / Yavkin VG, VP Rudenko, VN Andreychuk, OD King and others. // - Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, 2010.

Objective: Analyse the current state of geotourist objects of Carpathian National Park and determine perspectives of their use in geotourism.
To achieve this goal was used such methods as method of theoretical analysis, descriptive and mapping. The article analyzes the theoretical information about geotourism and geotourist objects were analyzed in the article. The authors analyzed hiking trails and educational and scientific paths, which involved these objects. Geotourist objectsv of Carpathian National Park were described and the map was created.
Results: the theoretical justification for the use of geological objects of Carpathian NNP in the tourist practice. Table of their current practical use was created.
Scientific novelty: the analysis of theoretical material that can be used by guides as individual text was made. Table of geotourist objects of Carpathian NNP practical use was created, which can be used to plan travel routes and excursions.
The practical significance: the article allows to use research information to implicate geotourist objects of Carpathian NNP to tourist routes and to improve existing educational, scientific and ecological paths of Carpathian NNP. The data presented in the paper can be used for information provision.
Keywords: geotourist objects, geotourism, Carpathian National Nature Park, hiking trails, educational and scientific path, ecological trail.
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13. Słomka T., Kicińska-Świederska A., Geoturystyka – podstawowe pojecia, GeoTurystyka, 2004, T. 1, № 1, S. 5–7.

Thus, the aim of this scientific work is to develop algorithm of designing and improvements of tourist itineraries on the territory of natural park “Skolivski Beskydy” by using the geographical information systems.
Method: In this article was pointed out the methods of designing tourist itineraries by using the geographical information systems.
Results: Based on the software ArcGis 9.3. have been developed the geographical information systems of territory that was studied, and includes data of distant sounding, cartographical and fund materials, data of the field research were published, and also digital model of relief and special maps have been developed. Profiles on the threads tourist itineraries, maps of steepness and exposition of slopes has been made and analyzed.
Scientific novelty: The algorithm of designing of tourist itineraries on the territory of natural park “Skolivski Beskydy” by using the geographical information systems have been developed. The prospects of usage geographical information technologies in creation of GPS-tours have been considered. 
Practical meaning: Techniques and recommendations that has been offered regarding designing geographical information system of tourists’ itineraries possible to use for administrations of national natural parks and other institutions for designing new tourists’ itineraries and optimizing existing ones.
Key words: geographical information system, tourist itinerary, digital model of relief, GPS-navigation.
 1.Getman V. Ecotourism in the territories and objects of natural reserve fund / V. Getman. // Ukrainian Geographical Journal. - 10/2007. - N4. - S.48-51.
2.Kramarets V. National natural park "Skolivski Beskydy". Ecological and cognitive route "Skole - mountain Parashka - v. Maydan." / V. Kramarets, V. Pryndak. - Skole, 2002.
3.Lepky M. Methodological aspects of designing geographic information systems / M. Lepky, VM Podolak, VA Koshelyuk // Tourism development prospects in Ukraine and abroad: management, technologies, models: collective monograph; edtion by prof. Voloshin I. - Lutsk Lutsk RIO NTU, 2015. - S. 312 319.
4.Melnyk A. Introduction and improvement of information technology in the tourism business / AV Miller // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod National University. Avg. economy. - 2009 - Vol. 28 - P. 43-44.
5.Khudoba V. Application of GIS technology to optimize the functioning of the regional landscape parks / VV Khudoba // National natural parks - Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of Intern. nauk. and practical. Conf. 30 anniversary of the Shatsky National Park (Svityaz, 23-25 April 2014). - K: CPU "KOMPRYNT", 2014. - P. 72 - 76.
6.Zejler M. Modeling of our world. ESRI guidance on designing base of geo data. - M .: Data +, 1999. - 254s.
      Trifonova T. Geographic information systems and remote sensing in environmental studies / TA Trifonov, NV Mishchenko, N. Krasnoshchekov. - M., 2005. - 352 p.
7.ESRI ArcGis 9. Arcmap. User's Guide [Book]. Redlands: ESRI PRESS, 2004. - 558 P.

The aim. The paper is a justification for the use of econometric methods for studying the formation of tourist destinations and further analysis of factors for its development.
Methods. This article presents the correlation analysis and modeling of various factors influence on the number of tourists.
Results. The article describes the features of the use of econometric methods in Human Geographical study of tourist destinations. Considerable attention is paid to the influence of macroeconomic indicators on the development of a tourism destination. The expediency of considering the two time intervals to study the impact of various factors on the number of visitors to a tourist destination is grounded. The influence of economic, social and environmental factors on the development of a tourist destination is analyzed.
Scientific innovation. The article has a modeling of tourism destinations as a specific example of Kyiv.
The practical significance. Tourist destination is the main component of territorial tourist system processes. In order to better reflect the development of the tourism industry in the territorial context, it is necessary to consider it in the light of the factors that affect the number of visitors to tourist destinations; and show the role and relationships of components forming tourist destinations in the structure of the Human geographical systems.
Keywords: tourist destination, econometric methods, factors of development of a tourist destination.


1. Hyndman Rob J., Anthanasopoulos George. Forecasting: principles and practice. [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhym dostupu: https://www.otexts.org/fpp

2. Turystychni potoky (2000 – 2014 rr.). [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhym dostupu: http://www.kiev.ukrstat.gov.ua/p.php3?c=538&lang=1

Objective. The aim of the article is to analyze the consultant services online on web-sites of tour operators in Ukraine and to find out its features.
Method. The main tools for research are: literary method, analysis and synthesis, statistical method, graphical method, generalization.
Results. The article analyzes the use of consultant services online by tour operators in Ukraine. The methods of online consultation by Ukrainian tour operators and applications that are used to feedback with customers are shown.
Scientific novelty. For the first time an analysis of consultant services online, presented on the web-sites of tour operators in Ukraine, was done.
The practical significance. The article is useful for representatives of the tourism industry, because it contains systematized information about the consultant service online on web-sites of tour operators in Ukraine.
Keywords: travel counselor online, feedback forms, web-site of tour operator.
1. Turystychna diialnist v Ukraini v 2014 rotsi. Statystychnyi biuleten /[Tekst]. – K. 2015. – 76 s
2. Kataloh turfirm Ukrainy // [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://turbiz.turistua.com/
3. Melnychenko S., Yesipova K., Internet-tekhnolohii v diialnosti turystychnykh pidpryiemstv // [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://visnik.knteu.kiev.ua/files/2010/06/5.pdf
4. Turfirmy v mistakh Ukrainy // [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://turmir.com/firms/

The aim of the article is to analyze the features of the QR-coding as a kind of innovation, and to find out the prospects of this technology in the tourism field.
Methodology. Such methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, systematization, comparison and others were used.
Results: the authors generalized the classifications of innovations in tourism and defined the essence of QR-coding as technical and technological innovation. The structure of the QR-code was considered in the work. The comparative analysis of varieties of matrix codes was done. The advantages and disadvantages of QR-code were clarified on that basis. The ways of using QR-coding in tourism were defined and the perspectives of implementation of the technology in Lutsk were estimated.
Scientific newness: it was grounded the necessity of QR-coding implementing in order to improve the potential of the tourist centers of Ukraine. It was suggested to complete the QR-code with audio accompaniment of text information about historical and cultural sites.
The practical significance: taking into account the advantages and prospects of QR-coding will facilitate the active distribution of this technology in the tourism sector, will provide an increase of tourist flows.
Keywords: innovation, QR-code, two-dimensional bar code, matrix code, tourism, Lutsk.
1. Novikov V. S. Innovations in tourism / V. S. Novikov. M.: PC «Academy», 2007. — 208 p.
2. Batrak V. I. Using QR-codes / V. I. Batrak, V. M. Franchuk // Information and communication technologies in education. 2014. № 1. P. 6–7. (in ukrainian).
3. Zasadna H. O. QR-coding and alternative technologies / H. O. Zasadna // Financial space. 2014. № 3. P. 103110. (in ukrainian).
4. Tsukanova I. V. The features of use QR-code in the integrated marketing communications / I. V. Tsukanova, T. G. Dibrova // Economic bulletin NTUU «KPI». 2013. № 10. P. 429434. (in ukrainian).
5. Chernikova V. I. The features of innovations in tourism / V. I. Chernikova // Bulletin DITB. 2012. № 16. P. 8994. (in ukrainian).
6. Shapoval S. Prospects for the use matrix codes in education / SShapoval, RRomanenkoN. Forostyanaya // Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics. – 2011. – № 5. – P. 98106. (in ukrainian).
7. The use of QR-codes in tourism [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://qr-pr.ru/primenenie-qr-kodov/turizm.%20—%2028.03.16"> http://qr-pr.ru/primenenie-qr-kodov/turizm. 28.03.16. (in ukrainian).
8. The main characteristics of QR-codes [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://ru.qr-code-generator.com/qr-code-marketing/qr-codes-basics/. 28.03.16. (in ukrainian).
9. Ukrainians want to use QR-codes [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://mmr.ua/show/83_ukraintsev_hotyat_polyzovatysya_qr-kodami?longread. 28.03.16. (in ukrainian).
Purpose. Creating comfortable and safe repose and leisure activities for children of all age groups.
Methods. The paper presents the theoretical analysis methods of design, installation and operation of playgrounds and Playground complexes.
Results. The article analyzes the status and requirements for the design of playgrounds. Venues are part of the gaming systems in the structure of a modern hotel. Therefore, recommendations for their design is quite relevant. Given the basic safety requirements for children's play equipment.
Scientific novelty. The features of the planning and safe operation of the playgrounds in terms of the hotel complex.
The practical significance. The creation of a rationally-organized, aesthetic environment to meet the recreational needs of children.
Keywords. Children's Playground, design, equipment, safety.
1.Ozhegov, S. History of Landscape Architecture / SS Ozhegov. - M.: Architecture-C, 2004. - 223 p.
2.Sotnikova VO Design elements of improvement. Playgrounds. Recreation Grounds / B. A. Sotnikov. - Ulyanovsk: UlGTU.2008 - 113.
3.Aleynikova T.V. Age psychophysiology: Toolkit for vysschey school / TV Aleinikova. - Rostov-on-Don 2002
4.Teodoronsky VS objects of landscape architecture: studies. manual for schools / VS Teodoronsky, IO gods. - M .: MSFU, 2003. - 300 p.
5.The providing of public services and amenities of the territories, DBN B.2.2-5:2011. К.,2012.- 59 p.

Goal. To identify the really functioning and really used recreational facilities and territories of the Middle Dnieper.
Methods. Used methods of analysis and synthesis of sources, mathematical-statistical methods, computer methods of processing and visualization information, maps-modeling and structural-organizational approach.
Results. Formed database of recreational facilities and territories in the region of the Middle Dnieper, the presented essence of databases and their characteristics. Visualized information out of this database as a scheme centers of recreational facilities in the region of the Middle Dnieper.
The practical significance. Presented in the article methodic of structural-organizational research of recreation can be used not only in relation to the Middle Dnieper, but also to other regions.
Keywords: recreational resources, database, Middle Dnieper, structural-organizational research of recreation.
1.   Bejdik O.O. Rekreacіjnі resursi Ukraїni / O.O. Bejdik. – K.: Al'terpres, 2009. - 400s.
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3.   Derzhavnij reєstr neruhomih pam’jatok Ukraїni – Rezhim dostupu: http://mincult.kmu.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/officialcategory?cat_id=244910406
4.   Ekologіchnij pasport Kiїvs'koї oblastі (2014r.). – Rezhim dostupu: http://www.menr.gov.ua/protection/protection1/kyivska
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7.   Zakon Ukraїni «Pro perelіk pam’jatok kul'turnoї spadshhini, jakі ne pіdljagajut' privatizacії» // Vіdomostі Verhovnoї Radi Ukraїni. – 2009. - №8. – s.105
8.   Geoіnformacіjnі sistemi і bazi danih: Kn.1. / V.І. Zacerkovnij, V.G. Burachok, O.O. Zheleznjak, A.O. Tereshhenko. – Nіzhin: NDU іm. M. Gogolja, 2014. – 492s.
9.   Kulіnіch M.T. Do pitannja shhodo organіzacії vіdpochinku na prirodі meshkancіv velikih mіst regіonu Seredn'ogo Podnіprov’ja (na prikladі m. Kiєva) / M.T. Kulіnіch, O.Ju. Dmitruk // Ekonomіchna ta socіal'na geografіja. – 2015. – Vip. 1 (71). – S. 18-22
10. Kupach T.G. Metodika geografo-toponіmіchnogo analіzu teritorії Ukraїni (na prikladі ojkonіmіv): avtoref. dis. … kand. geogr. nauk: 11.00.11 «Konstruktivna geografіja і racіonal'ne vikoristannja prirodnih resursіv» / T.G. Kupach; Kiїvs'kij nacіonal'nij unіversitet іmenі Tarasa Shevchenka. – K., 2008. – 20s.
11. Pokolodna M.M. Rekreacіjna geografіja / M.M. Pokolodna. – Harkіv: HNAMG, 2012. – 275s.
12. Postanova Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv Ukraїni «Pro vnesennja ob’єktіv kul'turnoї spadshhini nacіonal'nogo znachennja do Derzhavnogo reєstru neruhomih pam’jatok Ukraїni» vіd 10.10.2012 №929. – Rezhim dostupu: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/929-2012-%D0%BF
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19. www.greentour.com.ua – Ofіcіjnij sajt Vseukraїns'koї nepributkovoї gromads'koї organіzacії «Spіlka sprijannja rozvitku sіl's'kogo zelenogo turizmu v Ukraїnі»
20. www.sanikur.com - Іnternet – resurs «Kurorti і sanatorії Ukraїni»
21. www.ukryachting.net - Іnternet – resurs «Jahting v Ukraїnі»
22.       www.zdravnica-ua.com – Іnternet - resurs «Sanatorії і kurorti Ukraїni»

 The new approaches towards the green tourism, agrotourism and rural development in general is vitally important for the economy under the rapid urbanization. The sustainability of green and rural tourism hardly depends on the alternative sources of energy usage by farmstead owners. Ukraine has a great potential to improve in this prospective domain.
 This research was realized within the master degree programme course Geographical grounds for sustainable development, balanced recreation and tourism by the group of the first year at Geography of Ukraine chair in Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. The curricular for the above course follows the project principle. This research was supervised by Motuzenko Olena Olexandrivna (Associate Professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) and Sarmento Joao Carlos Vicente ( Assistant Professor of University of Minho, Portugal), who joit the group within the framework international academic mobility “Erasmus+”. In this case students got an opportunity to master in analytics and comparative methods as well as skills (linguistic and communicative) of working in the international team.
 Purpose of the research. This research aims at clarifying the popularity of alternative energy sources in farmsteads involved in green and rural tourism in Ukraine.
Methods. Our research used the survey method, including phone calls and e-mail letters with pre-designed set of questions. This method helped to collect information about the object of interest during the communication with the respondents. Questionnaire took into account age, sex, experience in tourism of every owner, etc. In addition data analysis and calculation of referrals and general indicators of the objects grounded the findings.
 Results. The research identifies the main issues of concern of the estate owners, who used alternative energy sources. Based on survey results we defined the range of owners who are interested in using alternative energy if they get a required information and financial support from the state as well as the list of rural facilities involved in alternative power supply. The above results will help to create an information network for owners of rural estates to provide the information about possibilities for alternative power supply with the help of the current international and national support programs.
 Scientific novelty. The patters of regional differentiation in alternative energy resource usage in green rural tourism reflects the key result of this research. Based on the analysed information we clarified the regional situation with number of farms which already used alternative energy sources, the way and purposes they use it (tourism or personal needs).
The practical significance. The research of the new approaches towards the green tourism development, agrоtourism and rural development enable to improvements of the socio-economic situation of the country.
 Keywords: green tourism, rural green tourism, farmstead, owners of the estates, alternative energy sources.
 1. Decree of the President of Ukraine "On basic principles of social development of the village." [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1356/2000.
 2. Malik M.I., Zaburanna L.V. Rural tourism as a factor of Agricultural Rural Development of Ukraine [Text] / L. Zaburanna // Economy AIC International Scientific Production Journal. - 2012. - №5. - S. 110-115.
 3.Official site of State Service for Tourism and Resorts of Ukraine. Official Website: [electronic resource]. - Access: www.tourism.gov.ua
4. Pityulych M.M. Features of the functioning of rural tourism in Ukraine and European experience [Email. resource] / M.M. Pityulych, I.I. Mikhailyuk // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University. - 2011.
5. Green tourism. Union for Promotion of Rural Green Tourism in Ukraine [electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.greentour.com.ua
 6. Ecotourism Society, 1994. Western D. Definihg Ecotourism. In: Ecotourism: A Guide for Planners and Managers The Ecotourism Socierty, North Benningtoh, USA, 1993.

 Goal. The research is devoted to the problem of Ukraine's access to global and regional markets for goods and services in the context of the strategy of development of several sectors and the necessary steps in governance to achieve competitiveness in the most promising areas, and the development of new areas where it is possible to achieve competitive advantages for the country.
 Methodology. The research applied the methodology of comparative analysis of different models of socio-economic development. The models of certain sectors that are key to improving competitiveness countries in regional and global markets, commodities and service markets. Also used statistical analysis of the economic sectors of Ukraine.
 Research results. The study determined the place of Ukraine in the international rankings of competitiveness. The possibilities of social and economic potential of Ukraine and highlighted priority areas of development. Among the areas highlighted priority development sector to create brand image of Ukraine and its recognition. The possibilities of development of agricultural production in terms of mass food production and concentration of production in the field of organic food. The priority directions of Ukraine's exports.
 Scientific Innovation. Analyzes the industry structure and highlighted key areas in the medium term are able to provide Ukraine cut exports and competitiveness Ukrainian exports.
 Practical significance. Highlight priority areas and recommendations on focusing on their development to succeed in global competition and conquest respective market niches. The findings can be used for strategic planning of development of Ukraine.Практическое значение.
 Key words: competitiveness, economy branch, world geographic space, country development strategy, markets of goods and services.
 1.Foreign trade balance of Ukraine in 2014// Derzhcomstat of Ukraine 2015, P. 1- 34
2.Pat V.V.., Boshoto H.V., Innovative Factor of Increasing Competitivness of Economy of Ukraine, Bisnessforum № 11, 2013б P.52-56
3.Semykina M.V. Competition and Competitivness on labor Market: methodology and definitions, Kyiv, IDSD, P. 94-103
4.Tkach I. SWOT-Analysis of International Аналіз Competitiveness of Ukraine//Economica I upravlinnya narodnym gospodarstvom №55, 2014, Kyiv. P.134 -142
5.Shynkarenko T.P.., Bilotzerkivetz O.G. Structural D toiзparities of Ukrainian Export of Goods to EU Сountries and How to Ovecome Them //Internet Sourceс: file:///C:/Users/Moyo/Desktop/Articles/Article%2015/Шинкоренко_Білоцерківець-2015.doc.pdf с.1-19
6.CIA Factbook Chile Інтернет ресурс: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/docs/notesanddefs.html?fieldkey=2049&;term=Exports - commodities
7.Gerasymchyk V.,Sakalosh T., Competitiveness and Knowledge-Based Economy: Information and Communication Technologies Impact Evaluation, BUSINESS: THEORY AND PRACTICE http://www.btp.vgtu.lt; http://www.btp.vgtu.lt/en
 2007, Vol VIII, No 4, p.195–203
 8.Global Competitiveness Report// World Economic Forum, 2015 p.1-383
9.Hausmann, Hilando et al, Atlas of Economic Complexity/ Mapping Path to prosperity//Internet souceс:file:///C:/Users/Moyo/Desktop/Articles/Article%2015/HarvardMIT_AtlasOfEconomicComplexity.pdf, p.1 - 362
10.Viter I.I. Ukraine in Global Competitive Space, International Conference on Applied Econoomics. ,І Internet source: file:///C:/Users/Moyo/Desktop/Articles/Article%2015/067-2009.pdf, p. 769 -780

The article offers an analysis of historical background of and a study of the world leading countries’ reaction to the Republic of Kosovo gaining its independence.
The article is written following the principles of systemic, historical and objective analysis. Specific methods used include narrative, literary and analytical techniques.
The study has yielded the following results: a brief historical description of events that led to the declaration of Kosovo’s statehood were set out and several countries’ attitude to the event was analyzed.
The original contribution of the article is to describe specific positions that world leading countries took on Kosovo based on state leaders’ official statements and to clarify who had favored and who had opposed the emergence of Kosovo on the political map of the world.
Practical significance. Based on the obtained results one can clearly identify possible partners of the Republic of Kosovo, which can aid it both politically and economically. And if in the future any country changes its decision, it will be possible to analyze it in relation to its previous stance. The material can be used for teaching purposes in the courses "Political Geography and Geopolitics" and "Geoconflictology."
Keywords: the Republic of Kosovo, international recognition, the EU, the US, independence.
 1.Karavaitseva O.V. The independence of Kosovo: history and the international consequences of the conflict / O.V. Karavaitseva // Recent policy problems. – 2013. – № 50. – P. 111-120.
2.Italy joined the countries that have recognized Kosovo's independence [Electronic resource] // NEWSru.ua [website]. – Access mode: http://www.newsru.ua/arch/world/21feb2008/italia.html
3.КFOR blows, and the Serbs continue to build barricades [Electronic resource] // About Serbia in Russian [website]. – Access mode: http://ruserbia.com/politics/983­kfor­snosita­serby­prodolzhayut­stroit­barrikady.
4.Martynova M. The problem of Kosovo: the ethnic factor [Electronic resource] // POLIT.RU: [website]. – Access mode: http://polit.ru/article/2009/10/12/martynova/
5.Germany officially recognized Kosovo [Electronic resource] // Korespondent.net [website]. – Access mode: http://ua.korrespondent.net/world/381382-nimechchina-oficijno-viznala-kosovo
6.Petrushev A. The problem of Kosovo's independence in international relations [Electronic resource] // Intelros (magazine club):   [website]. – Access mode: http://www.intelros.ru/pdf/cosmopolis_01_2008/12.pdf
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8.France recognizes Kosovo [Electronic resource] // Korespondent.net [website]. – Access mode: http://ua.korrespondent.net/world/379545-franciya-viznae-kosovo
9.Canada-Kosovo Relations [Electronic resource] // Canada's International Gateway [website]. – Access mode: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/croatia-croatie/bilateral_relations_bilaterales/Canada_Kosovo_relations.aspx?menu_id=37&;lang=eng
10.International recognition of Kosovo [Electronic resource] // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [website]. – Access mode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_recognition_of_Kosovo
11.Kosovo MPs proclaim independence [Electronic resource] // BBC NEWS [website]. – Access mode: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7249034.stm
12.Russia, China & India insist Kosovo and Serbia resume talks [Electronic resource] // RT News [website]. – Access mode: https://www.rt.com/news/russia-china-and-india-insist-kosovo-and-serbia-resume-talks/
13.Slovaks divided on Kosovo [Electronic resource] // The Slovak Spectator [website]. – Access mode: http://spectator.sme.sk/c/20028428/slovaks-divided-on-kosovo.html
14.Spain will not officially recognise Kosovo [Electronic resource] // News from Spain [website]. – Access mode: http://news-spain.euroresidentes.com/2008/02/spain-will-not-officially-recognise.html
15.Statement by Foreign Minister Masahiko Koumura on the Recognition of the Republic of Kosovo [Electronic resource] // Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan [website]. – Access mode: http://www.mofa.go.jp/announce/announce/2008/3/0318.html
16.UK recognises Kosovo independence [Electronic resource] // REUTERS [website]. – Access mode: http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-kosovo-serbia-britain-idUKL1824693920080218
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The purpose of this article is to reveal relations between Ukraine and the countries were Ukraine takes part in peacekeeping operations from the standpoint of economic geography.
Methods. Military-geographical study of peacekeeping activity is based on the application of systemic-structural and historical-genetic scientific methodological approaches. Comprehensive geographical approach allows to reveal spatial aspects of bilateral relations between Ukraine and countries in which the peacekeeping operation were conducted with participation of Ukrainian servicemen. The cartographic research method helps display the spatial distribution of the relevant supply of goods and show the role and importance of the respective countries in the international economic relations of Ukraine.
Scientific novelty. For the first time the spatial aspects of deepening trade economic relations of Ukraine are analyzed in connection with participation of Ukrainian armed forces in peacekeeping operations.
Results. The article doscloses the influence of Ukrainian participation in peacekeeping operations on strengthening its international position and security, as well as the mechanism of engaging the experience of other countries in the field of defence planning and reform of the armed forces. The areas of interstate relations intensification in connection with the Ukrainian involvement into international peacekeeping operations were identified.
Practical significance. The author has disclosed the role of the domestic enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the development of the armed forces of aforementioned countries and has conducted economic-geographical analysis of trade turnover between Ukraine and countries in which Ukraine takes an active part in peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the EU, UN, and NATO in different parts of the world.
Key words: military industrial complex, economic geography, national security.
 1. Foreign trade [electronic resource]. - Access mode: ukrstat.gov.ua
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Purpose.Each region has its own multicomponent hierarchical territorial organization of society (TOS). The aim of the study is to develop a multi-level taxonomy of TOS at the subregional level.
Methods. The basis of the scheme of regionalization is necessary to put the functional zoning, which is based on the General scheme of planning the territory of Ukraine; geographical position, especially the resettlement of the population and its effect on the TOS.
Results. According to the results of the multi-level approach of regionalization it is proposed the taxonomy units of TOS at sub-regional level and reasonable criteria and features of their allocation. It is described a brief general methodical scheme of regionalization, which consists of eight basic steps.
Scientific novelty. Regionalisation serves as the main direction of research of TOS. Integral regionalization should be considered as a continuation of the traditional socio-economic zoning in modern conditions, and as a territorial basis for the development and implementation of regional policy.
Practical significance. Multi-level taxonomy of TOS enables to do a scientific foundation for the development of economic systems within the region as much as possible to implement those special "comparative advantage", owned by each unit of a sub-regional level.
Key words: regionalization, territorial organization of society, taxonomic units of subregional level, microregion, mezoregion, local unit.
1.Agafonenko, O.Ju. (2013), Piznannja pryrody regionu jak ekonomichnoi' systemy [Cognition of nature of the region as an economic system], Visnyk ONU imeni I.I.Mechnykova [Odesa National University Herald], vol.18, issue #3-1, pp.11-13.
2.Lapaeva, M.G., Lapaev, S.V. (2012), Region kak prostranstvennaja social'no-jekonomicheskaja sistema gosudarstva [The region as a spatial socio-economic system of the state], Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Vestnik of the Orenburg State University], №8 (144), pp.133-143.
3.Lejzerovich, E.E. (2014), Ob osnovnyh jekonomicheskih rajonah (makrorajonah) Rossii [About the basic economic regions (macro regions) Russia], Regional'nye issledovanija [Regional research], # 3 (45), pp. 4-11.
4.Natsional'nyy atlas Ukrayiny (2007) / redkol. L. H. Rudenko [ta in.] [National Atlas of Ukraine], Kyiv: DNVP «Kartohrafiya», 435 p.
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 The role of medical geography in inter-discipline links within medicine, geography and ecology examined in article.
 The main aim of the science work is to study historical aspects of science “medical geography” establishment and inter-disciple links within sciences. Also, attention paid to newly approaches in science determine. Besides, examined historical aspects of “medical geography” science notion appearance. In science work systemized medical geography appearance features in Western and national science. Attempted to concretize subject and object.
 The science innovation is in the area of examination of the features of medical geography to health care geography transformation by key notion enlargement. Keeping on forward research in sphere of place and role of medical geography and newly approaches science content studying make practical significance for successful territorial health care systems and forecasting medical conditions working out in determines territories
 Key words: Medical geography, region, health care geography, medicine, geography.
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The purpose of the article The investigation and the comparative analysis of Chinese free trade zones, namely in the context of the conditions of their operation, geographic location, transportation availability, investment attractiveness and more. The assessment of their strengths and weaknesses.
Methodology involves usage of such methods as analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of systematization. In the process of the study the great massive of empirical data on the dynamics of free trade zones in China was analyzed and their economic effectiveness was assessed.
Results. The paper analyzes the operating conditions and several factors of the development of the Chinese free trade zones. Their main strengths and weaknesses are highlighted. The basic indicators of economic zones of the recent years are regarded and evaluated.
Scientific novelty. The attempt to systematize the information on existing free trade zones in China is implemented. The analysis of their cost-effectiveness is given.
Practical significance. The investigation and the following implementation of Chinese experience of creating and support the development of free trade zones can provide opportunity to stimulate export production, diversify the sources of foreign exchange earnings and improve the investment climate in Ukraine. Furthermore, the research of the raised topic will contribute to a better understanding of this instrument of economic development and the mechanisms of its effective use in particular.
Keywords: free trade zone, special economic zone, foreign investments, export, import, China.
 1.Sheng Laiyun China Statistical yearbook. - Beijing, 2014. – 799 p.
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 The purpose of this paper is to analyse the conceptual and methodological problems of human-geographical research of the cities.
 Methods. Methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, and comparative method were used.
 Results. The content of main conceptual approaches and the methodological problems of human-geographical study of the cities are defined. The separate approaches to the definition of “city” are revealed, the terminological system of Urban Geography and Geographical Urbanism is considered. The urbanization processes in the world and in Ukraine and the dynamics of urban settlements quantity are characterized. The problem of the absence of uniform criteria for the cities selection in Ukraine and abroad and uniform classification and typology of cities is analyzed. The priority directions of modern urban researches are outlined, the focus is made on the applied nature of urban studies.
The scientific novelty. In the article the systematization and generalization of conceptual and methodological principles of human-geographical study of the cities are made.
The practical significance. The materials of this article can be used in geographical research of urban areas and for educational purpose.
 Keywords: city, urbanization, urban population, classification, typology.
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This article is devoted to analysis of the residential territories of the Moskovsky district of Cheboksary. Its theme is currently topical, as cities continue to grow and you want to identify the best options for building new neighborhoods. This can be achieved through the analysis of already built-up areas.
The technique consists in the analysis of the residential territories held in groups as follows: geographical and ecological characteristics, density, intensity of use of the territory, height, type of building, infrastructure and prices.
The results of the analysis can be used not only in planning the construction of a new neighbourhood, but when choosing a real estate purchase in the Moskovskiy district of Cheboksary. Practical significance of the work is to develop analytical and cartographic material for sealing building world city.
Scientific novelty of the in originality consists in the analysis of the intensity of use of the territory on the key points and drawing up maps of their density of their building and ecological condition.
Keywords: residential territory, real estate, building density.
1. The decision of the City Council of Deputies Cheboksary About local standard of urban design "City. Planning and construction of the Cheboksary city district "
2. The decision of Cheboksary Chuvash Republic City Assembly deputies on July 14, 2005 N 1683 "On the Rules of land use and development in the city of Cheboksary" (as amended on June 26, 2007 April 17, 26 June, 28 October, 23 December 2008 28 April, 27 August, 26 November 2009, 15 April 2010);
3. Rulebook SP 42.13330.2011 "SNIP 2.07.01-89 *. City. Planning and building-urban and rural areas. " The updated edition of SNIP 2.07.01-89 * (approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2010 N 820.);
4. Filimonenko L.A. Engineering improvement of urban areas and transport: Textbook. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house SUSU,2006.-59 s/

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the historical and geographical features of investment activity formation in Lviv region.
Methods. Historical, analytical and comparative methods, analysis, and synthesis are used.
Results. Owing to analysis of the literature and statistical information the stages of the investment market incipience and problems of its functioning are allocated. The different focuses of attracting foreign capital in economy development of Lviv region in the Austrian period and the prevalence of domestic investment in the Soviet period are established. The role of cooperatives, the “Prosvita” society, banks and credit unions in the development of investment activity in the region is specified.
The scientific novelty. In the article the retrospective of investment activity in Lviv region is described.
The practical significance. Results of the research can be used to study historical aspects of the regional economy, investment processes and developing the strategies of regional development.
Key words: investments, investment activity, Lviv region, Halychyna.
1.Academician Stepan/ edited by prof. O. Shabliy. – Lviv : Publishing center of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2007. – 408 p.
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The article is the disclosure of the specific features of the current state of Plant Rivne region, because it is the leading sector of agriculture. In the article the major changes in the structure of crop in five years.
The methodological basis of the work is a systematic approach to the study of socio-economic processes and phenomena occurring in complex crop agriculture Rivne region. During the research used a number of methods, among theoretical generalization, comparison and analysis of system-structural analysis, comparative mapping.
Research results. The share in the structure of crop agriculture is 65%. The main crops grown in the region are: cereals (wheat, rye, corn, barley, oats, millet, buckwheat, legumes (peas, vetch)), industrial crops (sugar beet, flax, rape), potatoes, vegetables and melons, fruits and berries.
The structure of agricultural cropping has increased over the period. The largest share in the structure of sowing areas occupied by crops and forage crops, but decreased the area of rape and sugar beet and increased share of cultivated area under grain and forage crops. In the region generally ceased to grow one of the most characteristic technical spheres, Polissya region - flax. Thus, in the northern areas, leading crops produced are cereals and potatoes. In the southern main crops grown are corn, technical and potatoes.
Scientific novelty: thoroughly exposed the current state of Plant Rivne region and the dynamics that characterized to him. A mapped schemes, reflecting regional differences crop area of research.
The practical significance. Ways to improve the functioning of the proposed crop systems in Rivne can be used in the preparation of applications development in the region Rivne Regional State Administration. Some provisions may be embodied in the educational process of the Faculty of Geography.
Key words: crop, crops, industrial crops, forage crops, grain, crop area, the average yield, profitability.
1.   Branovs'kyj M. O. Agrarnyj sektor Rivnens'koi' oblasti: transformacijni procesy, osoblyvosti suchasnogo rozvytku/ Baranovs'kyj M. O.// Geografija Rivnenshhyny ta sumizhnyh oblastej. Materialy Vseukrai'ns'koi' naukovo-praktychnoi' konferencii'. – Rivne: Chervinko, 2013. - S.52 – 58.
2.   Korotun I. M. Geografija Rivnens'koi' oblasti: Pryroda. Naselennja. Gospodarstvo. Ekologija/ I. M. Korotun, L. K. Korotun. – Rivne, 1996. – 274 s.
3.   Poznjak S. P. Kartografuvannja g'runtovogo pokryvu: navch. posibnyk/ S. P. Poznjak, Je. N. Krasjeha, M. G. Kit. – L'viv: VC LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2003. – 500 s.
4.   Statystychnyj shhorichnyk Rivnens'koi' oblasti za 2014 rik/ za red Ju. V. Moroza . – Rivne: Golovne upravlinnja statystyky u Rivnens'kij oblasti oblasti, 2015. – 469 s.
5.   Suhyj P.O. Agroprodovol'chyj kompleks Zahidnoukrai'ns'kogo regionu: monografija/ P.O. Suhyj. – Chernivci: Ruta. – 400 s.

Purpose: To identify the main directions of foreign economic activity, their dynamics, set the main groups of products and their geographical origin, to trace the formation of the infrastructure of Galicia.      

Methods: The main methods are comparative-historical, historical, chronological, descriptive, retrospective and maps. The method of historical and geographical sections - this research method used for the full coverage of qualitative side of social and geographical relationships, processes and phenomena within certain time periods thorough analysis of the entire gamut of historical and geographical information, socio-geographical nature.
Results: The results of research and analyzes of the dynamics of development and its external economic relations Galician earth, and its place in Europe. Allocated on the basis of historical and geographical sections of time-spatial structures of Galicia as a separate part of Kievan Rus and independent state in XIII-XIV centuries.
Scientific novelty: detailed analysis based on information sources and other geographical and commodity structure of foreign economic relations of Galicia. For the first time specified geographical point of view the main activities of international economic relations of Galicia as part of Eastern Europe and the Western world. The practical significance: These structural changes in social and economic processes of foreign economic relations, disclosed the geographical structure of relationships and its application in modern conditions.
Keywords: foreign economic relations, infrastructure, international trade, archaeological sources.
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In the central part of Belarus, 100 kilometers to the South from Minsk, Slutsk, one of the most ancient Slavic cities, is located. It emerged at a place convenient for the defence against the enemy and for trading namely on a hill on the right bank of the Sluch river at a confluence with the river Bychok.
In the 16th century Slutsk was a significant town for those times. It included 2 parts: the old city with castles on the right bank of the Sluch and the New city (Zarechie) on the left one. Zarechie was intensively built up under Janusz Radziwiłł. Here facilities were built that glorified Slutsk throughout Europe: a Calvinistic school (Slutsk Athens), a Slutsk belts factory.
The history of the oldest school of Belarus - modern gymnasium №1 of Slutsk - began with the ratification of the Slutsk prince Janusz Radziwill, signed May 20, 1617. The prince had an intention to found not a simple school, but “the Slutsk Athens" - on a sample of Plаton academy. Due to the date, our gymnasium today is on the threshold of a great jubilee - its founding quatercentenary.
Keywords: gymnasium No. 1 of the town of Slutsk, the Slutsk Athens, the oldest school of Belarus.
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Respublykanskoho nauchno – metodolohycheskoho semynara. Mn, 1993


Purpose. In this article, we conducted a comprehensive study of pine plantations in the region in terms of forestries, by forest site conditions, by age structure, by completeness, by classes of bonitet.
Methods. In the study we used statistical data of Rivne Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting and the Department of Statistics in Rivne region.
Results. We investigated that the largest proportion of pine plantations located in the fresh and wet subors. Separately, we conducted a study on distribution of pine plantations on trophotopes (dominated by subors and burs) and hihrotopes (dominated by wet and fresh habitat conditions). We noted significant unevenness in the structure by age group: : the predominance of middle-aged plantations and the smallest share of overripe plantations. We determined that the most common completeness of pine plantations are 0.7 and 0.8, and the most common classes of bonitet are I and II.
Scientific novelty. Comprehensive study of forest landscapes, including plantations of pine in Rivne region was not previously done.
The practical significance. The survey results make it possible to formulate the basic directions of forest management to ensure the productivity of plantations of pine and biodiversity.
Keywords: pine, age structure, type of site conditions, the total reserve of wood, performance, productivity, completeness, bonitet.
1. Hensiruk S. A. Lisy Zakhidnoho rehionu Ukrainy / S. A. Hensiruk. Ukrains'kyi derzh. lisotekhnichnyi un-t. - L'viv:, 1998. - 407 s.
2. Derzhavnyi lisovyi kadastr. – Rivne.: Rivnenske oblasne upravlinnia lisovoho i myslyvskoho hospodarstva, 2015 r. – S. 30-40.
3. Dziadevych B.M. Produktyvnist' sosnovo-berezovykh i chystykh sosnovykh nasadzhen' / B.M. Dziadevych // Sil's'kohospodars'ka informatsiia. – 1974. – № 5. – S. 49-50.
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10. Statystychni materialy Rivnens'koho oblasnoho upravlinnia lisovoho ta myslyvs'koho hospodarstva. Ofitsiinyi sait. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://rivnelis.gov.ua 11. Tkachuk V.I. Dynamika i shliakhy optymizatsii porodnoho skladu lisiv Tsentral'noho Polissia Ukrainy / V.I. Tkachuk, V.O. Buzun // Naukovyi visnyk UkrDLTU : zb. nauk.-tekhn. prats'. – L'viv : Vyd-vo UkrDLTU. – 2002. – Vyp. 12.4. – S. 139-143.

Purpose - to determine the size and boundaries of water protection zones and coastal strips around Chernyatskoho reservoir hydropower provided changing its tiered regime.
Method. In order to increase the capacity of small hydropower Chernyatskoyi discussed the possibility of increasing the water level in its reservoir. However, any action to change the water level in reservoirs leading to changes in geological conditions and caused to these negative processes. To maintain water bodies in good ecological condition is necessary to organizing protected areas. The dimensions and boundaries of water protection zones and coastal strips for the new water level in the reservoir has been established taking into account the terrain, flooding, destruction of intensity banks, construction engineering protection of the coast; the purpose of land.
Results. Comprehensive study on change of level regime Chernyatskoho reservoir and then ordering water protection areas were carried out on the middle section of the Southern Bug. Characterize the current state of water protection areas Chernyatskoho reservoir. The result made forecast calculations revealed that after raising the water level in the reservoir for its water protection zones will get a number of objects that in case of exploitation violate certain rules of management. As a result of calculations found that after raising the water level in the reservoir for its water protection zones will get a number of objects that in case of exploitation violate certain rules of management. Therefore, it was determined the size and boundaries of water protection zones and coastal strips around the new reservoir for water level in it. The scheme of allocation coastal strips.
Scientific novelty. The basic theoretical and methodological approaches to determining water protection zones and coastal strips around Chernyatskoho reservoir.
The practical significance. The research results can be used in the study and development of water protection zones around reservoirs when changing water levels. These studies are of interest for the management and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems and environmental professionals and design organizations.
Keywords: water reservoir, bank-protection zone, off-shore defence zonal.
1. Vikonati naukove obґruntuvannya vіdnovlennya ta rekonstruktsії malikh gіdroelektrostantsіi na r. Pіvdennii Bug іz zdіisnennyam vіdpovіdnikh pogodzhen' [Виконати наукове обґрунтування відновлення та реконструкції малих гідроелектростанцій на р. Південний Буг із здійсненням відповідних погоджень: звіт про НДР] : zvіt pro NDR. UNDІVEP ; kerіvn. A. V. Yatsik. – Kiev, 2002 – 387 p. [in Ukrainian].
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4. Basyuk T.O. (2011) Modelyuvannya ta prognozuvannya ekologo-gіdrologіchnogo stanu vodoskhovishch malikh GES na r. Pіvdennii Bug [Modeling and forecasting of hydrological and ecological state of small hydropower reservoirs on the river Southern Bug]. – Gіdrologіya, gіdrokhіmіya і gіdroekologіya : Nauk. zbіrnik. – Kiev, 2011. – Vols. 2 (23). – рр. 148 – 158. [in Ukrainian].
5. Dubnyak S.A. Ustanovlenie pribrezhnykh vodookhrannykh zon ravninnykh vodokhranilishch [The establishment of water protection zones of coastal lowland reservoirs.]. – Ekspress-informatsiya. TsBNTI Minvodkhoza SSSR. – 1983. – Ser.4, Vyp. 6. pp. 1 8. [in Russian].
6. Gopchak І. V. & Basyuk T. O. (2014) Uporyadkuvannya vodookhoronnikh zon Bratslavs'kogo vodoskhovishcha za umovi pіdvishchennya rіvnya vodi [Bratslav reservoir protection zones by increasing water level]. – Vіsnik natsіonal'nogo unіversitetu vodnogo gospodarstva ta prirodokoristuvannya: zbіrnik naukovikh prats'. – Rіvne, 2014. – Vip. 4 (68). – (Tekhnіchnі nauki). – pp. 66 – 74. [in Ukrainian].

Aim.The aim of scientific research are generalization andsystematization of landscape, hydrological, geological, geographical, ecological information about the features of
functioning of natural water complex "Lake of Somine."
Methodology. At writing the row of methods of treatment of geographical information was used: analysis of the systems, landscape, ecological, cartographic, historical, descriptive, comparisonand prognostications, principles of optimization of naturalenvironment.
Results.Inythe articles found out theoretical principles of landscape andecological analysis of water complex and reasonablenature protection aspects are in sense of the use of naturally-resource potential. Described row of signs and general linesof geographical components of natural water complex. The special attention is spared to the flora and fauna of lake of Somine.
Considered and the thoroughly analysedproblems and prospects of anthropogenic influence onmaintenance and development of natural water complex "Lake of Somine."
Scientific novelty.The scientific novelty of research consists in the soundlandscape and ecological analysis of natural water complex "Lake of Somine" as an object with the intensively growinganthropogenic loading that results in his completedisappearance.
Practical meaningfulness of work consists in development oflist of scientific recommendations to public authorities inrelation to possibility of change of status of lake as natureprotection object.
Key words: landscape and ecological analysis, geosystem, geostructuralrelation, quaternary sedimentations, sedimentations, erosive and carst processes, geomorphological districting.
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 2. Маrinich О.М. Improved chart of the physical and geographical districting of Ukraine / О.М.  Маrinich, G.О. Pаrhоmеnkо, О.М. Pеtrеnkо, P.G. Shishchеnkо // Ukrainian geographical magazine. - 2003. - №1. - P. 16-20.
 3. Vоlоshinоvа N.О., Bаchuk V.А., Grishchtnko Y.М. Protected edge of the forests, bogs, lakes. – Рivne: Rivne printing-house, 2007/ – 200 h.
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1.Andrusyak Natalya Stepanivna – PhD, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Social Geography and Recreational Nature Department, Faculty of Geography, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ">n_andrusyak@ukr.net.
2.Anipko Natalia Petrivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, associate professor, Assistant Professor of Social Geography and Recreational Nature Department, Faculty of Geography, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
3.Ashmarina Galina Revmyrivna – Senior Lecturer of Life Safety Department, Faculty of Hotel and Restaurant and Tourism Business, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.
4.Basyuk Tetiana Oleksandrivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Department of Geography and Tourism, Natural Sciences and Geography International Economics and Humanities University named after Stepan Demyanchuk, Rivne, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
5.Borovyak Oksana Oleksandrivna – Student of Social Geography and Recreational Nature Department, Faculty of Geography, Yriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi national university, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
6.Bazeliuk Iuliia Anatoliyvna – Postgraduate Student of Country Study and International Relation Department, International Relations Faculty, Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
7.Beidyk Oleksandr Oleksiiovych Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Regional studies and tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mаil: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
8.Bobrovytskyi Anatolii Vsevolodovych – Candidate of Sciences, Social and Economical Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mаil: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
9.Vuchivskui Pavlo Pavlovych – Candidate of Sciences (historical), Associate Professor, SHEU “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, e-mail: vuchivskui.pavlo@gmail.com.
10.Vynohradova Oksana IvanivnaStudent of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
11.Glibova Iuliia Victorivna – Postgraduate Student of Regional studies and tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mаil: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ">july.glibova@gmail.com.
12.Horovyi Oleh Volodymyrovych – Postgraduate Student of Economic and Social Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
13.Gopchak Igor Vasil’ovisch – of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Doctoral of Geography and Tourism Department, faculty of naturally-geographical, International University of Economics and Humanities Named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne, Ukraine
14.Hrynyk Mariia IvanivnStudent of Social Geography and recreational Nature Department, Faculty of Geography, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University,Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
15.Hryshyna Mariia OleksandrivnaStudent of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
17.Gubanova Tatyana Mikhailovna – Student, Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russia, е-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
18.Dmytruk Oleksandr Yuriiovych Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
20. Ilyina Olga ViktorivnaCandidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Tourism and Hotel Industry Department, Faculty of Geography, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine., e-mail: olga-v-ilyina@rambler.ru.
21.Kal’ko Andriy Dmitrovich doctor of geographical sciences, professor, Head of Geography and Tourism Department, dean of faculty of naturally-geographical,  International University of Economics and Humanities Named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ">edissey@meta.ua.
22.Kredensyr Ania OleksandrivnaStudent of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
23.Leichenko Anastasiia LeonidivnaStudent of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
24.Marchuk Anna Sergiivna – Student of Geography and Tourism Department, faculty of Naturally-Geographical, University of Economics and Humanities Named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne, Ukraine.
27.Kalutsky Ivan Fedorovych – Doctor of Sciences (agricultural), Professor of the SHEU “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
28.Kovalska Lesya Volodymyrivna – candidate of sciences geography, associate professor of the SHEU “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, e-mail:gnatuk_L This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ">@ukr.net.
29.Kolomiyets Kateryna Vasylivna – Senior Lecturer, of Geography of Ukraine Departament, Faculty of Geology and Geography Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
30.Kopachynska Galina Vasyljevna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Assistant Professor of country-studies and international relations department, Faculty of International Relations, East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
31.Lukashuk Oksana Olexandrivna – Student of Country-Studies and International Relations Department, Faculty of International Relations, East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
32.Kulinich Maryna Tarasivna – Postgraduate Student of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
33.Matiyaschuk Olena Volodumirivnaassistant of Food Technology and restaurant Department, Faculty of hotel and Restaurant and Tourism Business, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
34.Melniychuk Mykhailо Mykhailovych – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Lesya Ukrainka East European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
35.Motuzenko Olena Oleksandrivna – Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Ukraine geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
36.Nakonechna Viktoriia RuslanivnaStudent of Ukraine geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
37.Olkhovaia Julia IgorivnaPost-graduate of Economic and Social Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
39.Panasiuk Serhii YuriiovychStudent of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
40.Panchenko Valentyn VolodymyrovychStudent of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: val.panchenko@ukr.net.
41.Panych Anna VolodymyrivnaStudent of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
42.Rybalchenko Artem VitaliiovychStudent of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
43.Ryzhko Maksym SerhiiovychStudent of Ukraine Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
44.Romanenko Vladyslav EduardovychStudent of Ukraine geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
45.Romanchuk Alla Ivanivna – Student of Economic and Social Geography, Eastern National University named after Lesya Ukrainian Lutsk, Ukraine.
46.Rumynska Zoriana Romanivna – student of Tourism, Department, Lviv state university of physical culture, Lviv, Ukraine.
47.Skulchyk Andrii Andriivich – Student of Social Geography and Recreational Nature Department, Faculty of Geography, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi national University,Chernivtsi, Ukraine
48.Smyrnov Igor Georgiyovich – Doctor of Geography Sciences, Professor, Professor of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  
49.Sosnitsky Yaroslav Sergiivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Senior Lecturer in Economic and Social Geography Department, Faculty of Geography Eastern National University named after Lesya Ukrainian, Lutsk, Ukraine. e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ">yaroslavavnu@mail.ru.
50.Stafiichuk Valentyn Ivanovich - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
51.Tymoshenko Vita ViktorivnaStudent of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
52.Timoshitsky Vitalii Vladimirovich – Student of Geography and Tourism Department faculty of naturally-geographical, University of Economics and Humanities Named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne, Ukraine;
53.Tymoshenko Lidia Oleksiivna – Senior Lecturer of Tourism Department, Lviv state university of physical culture, Lviv, Ukraine.
54.Topalova Olesia Illivna – Assistant of tourism, social-economical geography and local history department, Natural Sciences and Geography Faculty, Bogdan Khemelnitskiy Melitopol State University, Melitopol, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
55.Ulyhanets Serhii Ivanovych – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Ukraine geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
56.Khudoba Volodymyr Volodymyrovych – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Lecturer in Tourism Department, Lviv state university of physical culture, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
57.Khyzha Ivanna OlehivnaStudent of Ukraine geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
58.Shramko Svitlana PavlivnaStudent of Ukraine geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
59.Tsurkan Mariia Victorivna – Student of Social Geography and Recreational Nature Department, Faculty of geography, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi national University,Chernivtsi, Ukraine
60.Tsvirko Marina Frantsevna – Teacher of Geography State educational institution«Gymnasium № 1 of town Slutsk», Slutsk, Republic of Belarus.
61.Chabanchuk Valentine Yuriivna – Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Geography, Lesya Ukrainka East European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine, mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
62.Chetyrbuk Olga Romanivna – Graduate Student Of Tourism Department, Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
63.Chornyi Mychailo Bogdanovich – Postgraduate Student of Economic and Social Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
64.Yatsko Oksana Vasylivna – Graduate Student of Geography of Ukraine Department, Faculty of Geography, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated on Friday, 07 April 2017 10:55