Issue 37 |
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Monday, 02 October 2017 15:36 |
Goal. Considering the geopolitical factors the analysis of the modern development of the tourism industry (the state of global tourism trends and prospects of its development in the context of the main tourism regions) to identify similarities and differences in the tourism policies of countries - the leaders of tourism - is given.
Method. The analytical, synthetic, deductive, inductive, statistical, monographic, comparative geographical methods were used.
Results. The state of the development of the global tourism (2013 data as relatively stable year in the context of geopolitical menaces) was analyzed; its trends and patterns, limiting and stimulating factors were revealed; the main conclusions and suggestions were formulated.
Scientific novelty. Statistics of the global tourism industry was generalized, its trends, patterns were found, the main geopolitical menaces, socio-geographical factors of operating of tourism subindustry were explained.
The practical significance. Materials of the article can be used in the learning practice of universities in Ukraine who are preparing personnel for national tourism industry, in practical activities of tourism enterprises and to promote human geography and tourism.
Key words: tourism region, tourist flow, geopolitical menaces, geopolitical situation, tourism industry, region, trends, prospects.
1.Zachyniaev P.N., Falkovych N.S. Heohrafyia mezhdunarodnoho turyzma / Pod red. F.H. Pyskoppelia. - M.: Mysl, 1972. – 263 s.
2.Zoryn Y.V., Kvartalnov V.A. Turystskyi termynolohycheskyi slovar: Spravochno-metodycheskoe posobye. – M.: Sovetskyi sport, 1999. – 664 s.
3.Kvartalnov V.A. Teoryia i praktyka turyzma: Uchebnyk. – M.: Fynansy I statystyka, 2003. – 672 s.
4.Kvartalnov V.A. Turyzm. – M.: Fynansy i statystyka, 2000 – 314 s.
5.Liubitseva O.O. Rynok turystychnykh posluh (heoprostorovi aspekty): Navch. posibnyk. 3-ye vyd., pererob. ta dop. – K.: Alterpres, 2005. – 432 s.
6.Malska M.P., Antoniuk N.V. Mizhnarodnyi turyzm i sfera posluh: Pidruchnyk. Zatverdzheno MON— K., 2008. — 661 s.
7. Myronenko N.S., Tverdokhlebov Y.T. Rekreatsyonnaia heohrafyia. – M.: Yzd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1981. – 208 s.
8.8. Parfinenko A.Yu., Sidorov V. I., Liubitseva O.O. Turystychne krainoznavstvo. Pidruchnyk – 2-he vyd., pererob. i dop. – K.: Znannia, 2015. – 551 s.
9.Smal I.V. Osoblyvosti i problemy rozvytku mizhnarodnoho turyzmu u konteksti hlobalizatsiinykh protsesiv // Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Seriia mizhnarodni vidnosyny. 2008. - Vyp.24. - C.327-335.
10.Smyrnov I.H. Lohistyka turyzmu: Navch. posib. — K.: Znannia, 2009. — 444 s.
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Purpose research the contribution of the tourism sector in the economy of the EU countries.
Scientific novelty: It narrow themes did not find wide footprint in the scientific works of domestic research. Now in Ukraine there is a tendency consideration of the overall questions of international tourism.
Results: the features of the development of the tourism industry in the general economic complex of European Union countries were mapped and analyzed. EU leaders according to the annual visits, development of domestic and outbound tourism, the number of the costs which citizens spend while traveling, are determined. The main features of geospatial distribution of hotel industry in the EU countries and the main priorities of their development are considered.
The practical significance: The classification of EU countries in terms of the development of tourism area was given, as a result it was revealed that the leaders are mainly the countries with high rates of the economy, indicating that there is a certain impact of the tourism sector on the economic development of countries.
Keywords: tourism, tourist flows, economic complex, hotel infrastructure, the European Union countries.
1.Mal's'ka M.P., Antonyuk N.V. Mizhnarodnyy turyzm i sfera posluh. – K., 2008. – 661 s.
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4.Ofitsiynyy sayt Vsesvitn'oyi turystychnoyi orhanizatsiyi [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.e–
5.Ofitsiynyy sayt Yevrostatu [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:
UNWTO TourismHighlights, 2015 [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.e–
In an era of growing political turmoil, the tourism sector is facing significant challenges.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of political instability on tourim destination development. To do this, the following methodology is used: analysis of dynamics of the main indicators of tourism sector development: tourist arrivals, tourism receipts and capital investment in travel and tourism industry. The comparative analysis of the changes in the indices of the tourism sector operation in different countries in terms of political instability has allowed identifying the most effective methods of crisis management. Political stability and safety are prerequisites for tourism; even the threat of events such as civil unrest and terrorism can cause tourists to rethink their decision to visit a destination. The impact of political instability on a destination’s tourism sector is both immediate and potentially long-lasting. In addition, in some circumstances, instability in one country may have an impact on the tourism sector of neighboring countries. Countries affected by political unrest inevitably experience a decline in the number of international tourists and tourism receipts.
The novelty of the approach implemented in the study is in determining the main challenges which hamper tourism business in times of political turbulence. In particular, yet had not been considered, that the main factors translating political turbulence into a decline in international tourist arrivals relate to media reporting of political conflict, as well as any accounts of negative experiences from family and friends.
The practical aspect of this study allows designating the effective measures to revamp the tourism during and in the post-crisis period. So, the course of action for reviving tourism industry of host country should be targeted at four key fields: crisis management, perception management, incentives for tourists and business, rebranding of the tourism destination.
Keywords: political instability, tourist destination, crisis management.
1.Baker, D., (2014). The Effects of Terrorism on the Travel and Tourism Industry. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, Volume 2(1): 57-67.
2.Haddad, C., Nasr, A., Ghida,E., Al Ibrahim, H. , (2015). How to Re-emerge as a Tourism Destination after a Period of Political Instability. In Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015. Geneva: SRO- Kundig, 53-57.
3.Sönmez, S.F., (1998). Tourism, Terrorism and PoliticalAnnals of Tourism Research 25:2: 416-456.
4.UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2002 Edition. Available at:
5.UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2013 Edition. Available at:
6.UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2015 Edition. Available at::
7.UNWTO Tourism Highlights, 2016 Edition. Available at:
The aim. The aim of the article is to develop proposals for promotion of the national gastronomic traditions, by means of gastronomic tourism as well, by studying the experience of the European Union countries.
Methods. The article is devoted to the social aspects of gastronationalism as the current trend of the global economy and the possibility of its development in the Ukrainian realities, particularly in the food industry and in the industry of hospitality and travel. Based on the study of legal regulation of the traditional products, analyzing the practice of protecting the typical national or regional products, the possibilities to support the production of standard products is investigated. Such support enables the use of natural substances and energy to create traditional process chains, adapted to the human life and the natural environment of the area.
Results. Despite the presence of rich national traditions and acknowledged Ukraine's place as a major food producer, Ukrainian food national identity was not given enough attention even in the period of independence. Modern approaches to the formation of gastronationalism as a protection policy of local commodities and as a method of the special incentives for tourist attractions are analyzed. Also the characteristics of typical foods in the context of a qualitative analysis of gastronomic tourism opportunities are described.
Scientific novelty. National and regional products never seen as unique and those whose names and production technology need protection. The possibility of their use for the creation of tourist attractions is only beginning now to be recognized as a relevant and requires further study and development, based on the experience of the European Union. These problems are particularly important due to the Association Agreement with the EU, where there is a clear legal regulation of quality of agricultural products and foodstuffs.
The practical importance. Practical measures to promote gastronomic tourism in Ukraine are proposed based on the use of national culinary traditions, world experience and European standards.
Keywords: gastronationalism, gastronomic tourism, typical products, the geographical origin of products.
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Goal. The article aims to assess the development of rural tourism in the context of its sustainability considering the logistics, geographic and marketing aspects.
Method. Methodical bases of research lie in the synthesis and analysis of literary and statistical material which was collected by authors. This applied to tabular and graphical methods.
Results. Comprehensive description of rural tourism is completed in the context of its sustainability given the logistical, geographical and marketing aspects.
Scientific novelty is the complex characteristics of sustainable development of rural tourism with the opening up of logistical, geographical and marketing aspects.
The practical significance of the study is defined by its practical relevance for the development of rural tourism based on sustainability considering logistical, geographical and marketing aspects.
Keywords: rural tourism, sustainable development, agro-tourism, eco-tourism, natural tourism, tourist capacity, zoning.
1. Page S. Business of Rural Tourism: International Perspectives / S.Page, D.Getz. - London: Thomson, 1997. - 283 p.
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9. Smyrnov I.H. Heohrafichnyi ta lohistychnyi chynnyky staloho rozvytku silskoho turyzmu / I.H. Smyrnov // Tendentsii ta perspektyvy rozvytku nauky i osvity v umovakh hlobalizatsii: Materialy KhIII Mizhn.nauk.-prakt.internet-konf.: Zb.nauk.prats. – Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi: P-Kh DPU imeni Hryhoriia Skovorody, 2016. – Vyp. 13. – S. 31-34.
10. Smyrnov I.H. Silskyi turyzm u konteksti staloho turyzmu: poniattia, kontseptsii, terminy / I.H. Smyrnov // Aktualnыe nauchnыe yssledovanyia v sovremennom myre: KhII Mezhd.nauch.konf. // Sb. nauchnыkh trudov. – Vыp. 12. Chast 5. – Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi: iScience, 2016. – S. 108-114.
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The purpose of research - analysis and systematization of innovations in the organization of recreational of resort business.
Methods. Analyzes the basic definitions of a recreational activity. Systematized recreational innovation with regard to their basic criteria. It describes the main recreational innovation, their shapes, types and specifics.
Results. Defined term "recreational innovation". Substantiates the main criteria for classifying of recreational innovation. The classification of recreational innovation presented. The expediency of the use of appropriate recreational innovations in the health systems of Ukraine. Defined a strategy for further development of the Ukrainian resorts complexes in the context of an innovative recreational activities.
Scientific novelty. Proposed to use the term "recreational innovation". The main criteria for classifying of recreational innovation and classification of recreational innovation are presented.
Practical significance. The main directions of optimization of the spa resorts of Ukraine through the introduction of a recreational innovation. Proposed indicative recreational innovation, based on the use of foreign experience in the organization of resort business.
Keywords: recreational innovation, resorts complexes, optimization, development of resort business strategy.
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Purpose: classify the achievements of foreign Geographers, Economists and Tour Guidance Experts on children's health improvement and recreation.
Methods: there was used the inclusive/evaluative review of foreign publications of foreign publications.
Results: there were revealed that research issues covers areas, such as: the children’s attitude to health improvement and recreation, the children’s tourist behavior, the services of children's tourism, the place and space in the children's tourism, relationship between child and adult in tourism.
Scientific novelty: the foreign research achievements of children’s tourism, which were previously unexplored, will enrich theoretical and methodological aspects of studies national children's health improvement and recreation with relevant interdisciplinary tools.
The practical significance: these interdisciplinary tools will enable to improve the practice of children’s tourism research for Ukrainian scientists.
Keywords: child/children, child-tourist, geography of children, holidays, leisure, recreation, travel, tourism.
1. Kashuba Ia.M. Formuvannia systemy dytiachoho ozdorovlennia i turyzmu: avtoref. dys. kand. ekon. nauk: 08.09.01 / Ia.M.Kashuba. - Lviv,2006. – 21 p.
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3. Kolotukha O.V. Dytiacho-iunatskyi turyzm v Ukraini yak terytorialna sotsialno-ekonomichna systema: problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku: avtoref. dys. kand. heohr. nauk: 11.00.02 / O. V. Kolotukha. - K.,2005. - 20 p.
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Purpose: introduce the latest developments augmented reality. Show the importance of innovation and the use of augmented reality in the tourism industry.
Methods: in articles were used methods of compare, expert estimates. We used a method of analysis and forecasting. To heighten the theme used the method of abstraction and others.
Results: in this article was made the analysis of innovation in tourism. Was explored niche of augmented reality. The identified prospects. The offered the use of the innovation opportunities for the tourism industry.
Scientific innovation: uncovered opportunities and options shown of innovation in the tourism industry.
Practical significance: suggesting practical recommendations for using augmented reality in tourism. Developed options for the introduction of modern innovations in the life of tourists.
Keywords: innovation, technology, tourism services, tourism product, augmented reality.
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The aim of the article is to study the characteristics of the tourist potential of the Lviv region, the definition of the main obstacles that negatively affect the development of the tourism industry in the region and support of proposals to address them.
Methods. In this article used analytical research methods that allow to analyze the status and dynamics of the tourism potential of Lviv region, identify key problems and suggest promising areas of tourism development.
Results. The main barriers to the development of tourist and recreational potential and the effective use of the potential offered Lviv tourism use of Lviv region as a tourist region in the following years.
Scientific novelty. Is to systematize analytical data on characteristics of the tourism potential of Lviv and offering strategic orientations of its development.
The practical significance. Proposed areas of tourist and recreational potential will contribute to the formation of the region competitive tourism and recreation industry that will contribute to a significant socio-economic development of the region by increasing the revenues of the regional and municipal budgets, investment, more jobs, improved health, conservation and sustainable use of cultural, historical and natural heritage.
Keywords: tourist and recreational potential, resources, accommodation, cultural and historical heritage, balneological resources.
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Purpose. Analyze geospatial distribution of wooden and stone sacred objects Rivne Region. Run zoning area. Perform statistical calculations percentage of sacred objects and load factor.
Method. A mapped schemes of geospatial distribution of sacred buildings in Rivne Region have done. Calculations of the number of sacred buildings, percentage and coefficient of saturation. Completed zoning Of Rivne Region and identified three sacral and tourist regions.
Results. The study found that sacral wooden and stone buildings in Rivne region are uneven. Their main number is concentrated in South-sacral tourism region. It was established that the total number of wooden churches in Rivne region is 135, and 50 stone, due to uneven forestation of the area. It was reasonably zoning area from the position saturation sacred objects in different parts of the research area.
Scientific novelty. Was first compiled kartoshemy geospatial distribution of wooden and stone sacred buildings Rivne region the first time the zoning for three sacral and tourist regions under saturation sacred wooden and stone objects Rivne region and proved it.
The practical significance. The results of scientific research can be used for the preparation of tourist routes to practice religious tourism, as well as to add to the material of lectures and seminars with the subject matter "Tourist resources of Ukraine" for specialty "Turzm."
Keywords. Geospatial spread kartoshema, Rivne region, sacred object, sacred and tourist region.
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16. Foundation sacred art museum in the Volyn: stages of formation (1929-2009 years) / EI Kovalchuk // Labour Centre monuments: Coll. Science. pr. - 2009. - Vol. 16. - P. 118-130. - Ref .: 32 names. - Ukrainian.
17. Kovalchuk E. Collection of sacred art museum in the Volyn: source base study / EA // Mandrivets Kovalchuk. - 2014. - № 4. - P. 20-25. - Access:
18. Lyubitseva AA Sacral potential m. Kyiv and direction of intensifying its use / AA Lyubitseva, IM Stryhun // Geography and tourism. - 2015. - Vol. 32. - P. 86-96. - Access:
Purpose. The article deals with the peculiarities of balneological resources functioning in the Khmelnytskyi region recreation complex. It is analyzed: the place of balneological resources in regional recreation and tourism activities; the laws of distribution of mineral waters deposits; investigation and analysis of water use in the treatment; it is highlighted the prospects of mineral waters use.
Methods. The article was used complementary research methods: analysis of statistical data, descriptive method, mathematical, comparative and geographical. For maps developing it was used mapping method.
Results. The article deals with the role of balneological resources of recreation complex in Khmelnytskyi region. It is analyzed the peculiarities of the regional mineral water health centers activities. The therapeutic properties of waters and geographical patterns of their distribution are highlighted. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of balneological resources were studied.
Scientific novelty. The therapeutic properties of mineral waters and geographical patterns of its distribution are highlighted. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of balneological resources were studied. The map was created according to the study.
The practical significance. It was proposed the ways efficiency usage the mineral water resources of Khmelnytskyi region. The material can be used in tourist reference book.
Key words: balneological resources, recreation resources, mineral waters, mineral water fields, Khmelnytskyi region.
1.Beletskaya H. A. Recreational resources of Khmelnytskyi region mineral waters / H. A. Beletskaya // Dovkillya ta zdorovʼya. – 2008. – № 4. – P. 28-31.
2.Mal's'kaP., Khudo V .V. Travel business: theory and practice. Tutorial book – K.: Center of educational literature, 2007. – 424 p.
3.Mineral medical table waters of Ukraine. Reference book / ed. by K. D. Babova – Colomyia: Publishing house "Vik", 1998.
4.Novodran A. V. Current state of knowledge and future use of mineral waters in Khmelnytskyi region [Text] / O.V. Novodran, K.E. Belen'kyy, L.P. Horbach, A.L. Pohrebnyy // Medical rehabilitation, balneology, physical therapy : Scientific. pract. Journal. 2001. № 2. P. 62-63.
5.Fomenko N. V. Recreational resources and balneology: tutorial book / N. V. Fomenko. – K.: Tsentr nauch. literatury, 2007. P. 312.
6.Khayets'kyy H .S. Aqua and wetland landscapes of Podolia: author. dis... kand. geogr. Sciences: 11.00.11 / G. S. Haecky ; Chernev. NAT. UN-t im. After Yuriy Fedkovych. — Chernivtsi, 2006. — 20 p. — Ukr.
7.Shorobura I. M. Khmelnytska oblast tourism : textbook. manual. / I. M. Shorobura, T. G. Hilber, A. A. Dolynska// - Khmelnytskyi : PE Zakolodnyi M.I. 2016 - 360 p.
The article is an analysis of the current state of development of sports tourism in the Volyn region, as well as offering further ways of development.
The article uses such methods as comparative geographic, cartographic, statistical and descriptive.
The result of the article is the current state of development of sports tourism on the example of Volyn region. Let's consider researchers and scientists, who are engaged in the study of sports tourism in this area. Investigated and described the main types of sports tourism and most popular in the Volyn region. Done zoning area for suitability areas for the development of sports tourism, as well as proposed future development prospects of this type of tourism in the region.
Scientific novelty. It was analyzed the development of sports tourism and suggested perspective directions for its development in the future. It was done zoning of the area, which is based on the literature, maps, tables, which has never been done before.Built card "sports tourism attraction in administrative areas."
The practical significance of the study. Results of the study can be used in school lessons on geography; in higher education; in circle work; in the tourism business during the tour; during tourist trips.
Keywords: sports tourism, the types of sports tourism, sports tourism and zoning, hiking trails.
1.The demand Voytovych VM stepped classified hiking trails tourist groups pupils and students Volyn / VM Voytovych // Physical education, sports and culture of health in modern society: technologies. - Lutsk, 2015. №. 1 - S.35-41
2.Yerko A. The concept of sport tourism and its features / AV // Scientific Herald Yerko Eastern National University named after Lesya Ukrainian. - Lutsk, 2013. № 6 - P. 184-187
3.Yerko A. Role route-qualification commissions in the development of sport tourism Volyn Region / AV // Scientific Herald Yerko Volyn National University of Lesya Ukrainian. - Lutsk, 2009. № 8 - P. 151-154
4.Yerko A. Status and prospects of Youth Tourism in Volyn Region / AV // Scientific Herald Yerko Volyn National University of Lesya Ukrainian. - Lutsk, 2010. № 3 - P. 177-180
5.Myhaylevskyy B. Historical aspects of ski sports tourism in Volyn / V. Myhaylevskyy // Physical education, sports and culture of health in modern society: technologies. - Lutsk, 2009. №. 2 - S.10-13
6.The current state and prospects of development of tourist and recreational activities Volyn Region / Melniychuk M., S. Uyevych, W. Monk, L. Hladych T. Immortal and others. // Scientific notes of Ternopil National Pedagogical University named Hnatyuk. Avg. Geography / redkol .: Andreychuk V., Brych VY, VM Vote and others. - Ternopil "Taipei", 2013. - Vol. 2 (35). - P. 101-115
7.The current state of the tourism complex of Volyn region: Monograph / L. Cherchik, I. Yerko, N. Kolenda, A. Mishchenko. - Lutsk. Dreams Ukrainian Lesya, 2014. - 154 p.
8.Center sports and tourism excursions Department of Education, Science and Youth of Volyn Regional State Administration [electronic resource]. - Access: - Name of the screen.
Objective of the study is to determine the existing historical, cultural, natural and recreational potential and innovative directions for the development of event tourism in Luhansk region
Methods of this study are primary methods. These are: a review of scientific publications, printed and electronic periodicals. On the bases of collected primary information it was conducted a qualitative analysis for socio-economic development prospects of event tourism in Luhansk region.
Results: a review and analysis of researchers and practitioners publications gave the opportunity to identify five relatively innovative development directions of event tourism in the Luhansk region. There are: gastronomic festivals; cultural, artistic, sporting, economical events and also religious holidays. The most promising and innovative is a gastronomic festival that never were held in the region. In the second direction it is important to pay attention to literary and cultural festival based on I. Ilf and E. Petrov poems. A more costly but no less promising measures connected with revival of equestrian theater and sporting events in equestrian sports.
Scientific novelty of this research is the determination of the development principles of event tourism in the region with terms of socio-economic crisis.
Practical significance: the research results are important for regional authorities and private businesses, as well as for representatives of tourism in the region. The article offers real measures, its implementation is quite possible even without financing from state and regional budget.
Key words: region, even tourism, development, potential, innovative directions.
1. Babkіn A. V. Special types of tourism / A. V. Babkіn. – Rostov-na-Donu: Fenіks, 2008 – 252 p.
2. Kornіlova N. V. Event tourism in Ukraine / N. V. Kornіlov // Geography and toursm – 2012 – № 22 – P. 113-120.
3. Molodec'kij A., Ptashnіk A. Meaning of festival tourism in the development of places and regions / A. Molodec'kij, A. Ptashnіk // History of Ukraine geography. - 2012. - № 26. – P. 113-118.
4. Vishnevs'ka G. G. Event-tourism in the context of world tourism / G. G. Vishnevs'ka // Ukrainian culture: past, present, ways of development. Сollection of scientific papers in Rіvne State Uniwersity – 2011 – №. 17, Vol. 2 – P. 256-260.
5. Zelenko O. O. Сomparative analyzes of Ukraine regions in context of ethno tourism development / O. O. Zelenko, N. V. Shepeleva // Ukrainian ethno tourism development: problems and prosperities: [Text]: Collection of scientific papers at The IV Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists (L'vіv, 25th of February 2016)/ Ukraine Ministry of Education and Science, L'vіv Institute of Economics and Tourism. – L'vіv: LIET, 2016 – S. 93-100.
6. Zavarika G. M. Strategic directions of resort development in Luhansk region. / G. M. Zavarika // Scientific journal “ScienceRise”. – 2015 – Vol 6/1 – Р. 55-59.
7. Zelenko O. O. Tourism development prospects in Luhansk region under the conditions of war and political instability / O. O. Zelenko // Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Economic series. – 2015. – Issue № 2(4). Part 2. – Р. 138-142.
8. Zelenko O. O. Features of regional marketing implementation for tourist branch resuscitation in Luhansk oblast / O. O. Zelenko // Galician economic bulletin. – 2015 – Vol. 2. – P. 29-34.
9. The part of Ukraine appeared among the most dangerous places for tourism in 2017 [Electronic sours] // Ukrainian truth of life – 2016 – 17th of November – URL:
10. «Sew together» the country again [Electronic sours] // Real newspaper – 2016 – 28th of April – URL:
Aim: to analyze the touristsresources of separate areas inVinnitsa region.
Methods: cartographical, comparable, analytical and presumptive results of scientific researchmenthave beenused.
Results: the geospatial distribution oftourists resources of separate areas of Vinnitsa regionhas been developed and systemized. On the basis of this researchmentwas created the maps and legends to them.
Scientific novelty: for the first time was studied the tourists resources in a view of four areas in the shape of maps and legend to them.
Practical meaning: the representative areas in Vinnitsa region has been studied, by the appropriate advertisement and restoration works this resources may be included to the excisional itineraries’ and became a preparation them to tourists excursion activates the development of tourists infrastructure.
For the convenience has been calculated the distances from the district center to the most attractive objects, that gives opportunities for the travellers to assessthe approximate time to tourists objects and reversal direction.
Key words: tourists’ resources, historical and cultural, museums, churches, cloisters, Roman Catholic Church, prominent figures of science and culture, archaeological and architectural monuments.
1. Vinnitsa // Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia. In 12 volumes / Ed. M. Preferred. - 2nd ed. - K .: Chief. ur edition, 1974-1985., Volume 2, K., 1978, p. 299-300.
2. Vinnichchina museum: Reference / Vinnitsa. region regional museum; ed. for the production Vysotska KI-Vinnitsa, 2008.- 96 p.
3. Voloshin I.M. Travel Resources Ukraine (Ukraine atlas tourist trips: reference book Voloshin I.M., Matviichuk L. Yu., Nenko K.V.) - L .: LSUPС, 2015. - 437 p. S.89-107.
4. Voloshin I. M. Tourist intellectual resources of Vinnytsia region and their placement Geospatial / I. Voloshin, D.S. Karpyn, K.V. Nenko // Bulletin of Lviv University. Geographical Series 2013 Issue 42.S. 27-37.
5. Zharkikh M.I. Churches skirts Illustrated catalog Directory (over 3000 temples). Kyiv: Myslene tree. - 2007.
6. Pankovа E. V. Tourism studies. Tutorial. - K .: Alterpres, 2003. - 352 p.
7. Writers of Ukraine - victims of Stalinist repression. Vol. 1 - K .: The Soviet writer. 1991. - 495s.
8. Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia. K .: Home Edition ur. Kyiv - 1978 - 1985 - T1 - 12.
9. Tsestsiv D.S. Museum Vinnytsia / D.S. Tsestsiv, I.M. Voloshin // current state, problems and prospects of tourism in Western Ukraine materials I All-Ukrainian. stud. Science. - Pract. Conf. - Lviv: LSUPC, 2016. - P. 79-83.
10. Tsestsiv D.S. Geospatial placing wooden churches Vinnytsia oblast / Tsestsiv D.S., Voloshin I. M. // Scientific notes Ternopil National Pedagogical University. Vladimir Hnatyuk. Series: Geography. - Ternopil: SMF "Taipei". - №2 (Issue 39). - 2015. - S.106-114.
The aim. Identify the most attractive landscapes of Shatskikh-Lyubomlsky recreation area Volyn region.
Research methods. A method for determining the aesthetic appeal of landscapes of Volyn region based on the objectivist approach is proposed. Developed relevant assessment criteria for each element of the environment and landscape scale assessments on which the classification of landscapes for aesthetic value is made.
The results. The landscape complexes of Shatskikh-Lyubomlsky recreational area are submitted for a comprehensive assessment of their aesthetic appeal as taxonomic units. Four degrees of attractiveness of landscapes are identified as a result of the evaluation. Landscapes of Verhnopryp'yatsky landscape complex are the most valuable in terms of aesthetics. The landscape complexes of the Pripyat river valley are belong to landscapes of high aesthetic value. The composition of landscapes with average value are attributed landscape complexes of valley of Western Bug and agricultural landscapes of Bug-Turiysk rivers.
Scientific novelty: the assessment for attractiveness of landscapes of Shatskikh-Lyubomlsky recreational area, on the basis of component evaluation, is conducted for the first time.
Practical significance. The results of evaluating attractiveness of landscapes is required for determining the recreational potential of the territory, and for the rational planning of tourist and recreational activities.
Keywords: landscape, the assessment of an aesthetic attractiveness of a territory, landscape complexes, Shatskikh-Lyubomlsky recreation area, Volyn region.
1.O. O. Beydyk. Recreational Resources of Ukraine: Textbook / O. O. Beydyk - [3rd edition revised and add.]. - K .: Alterpres, 2011. - 462 p.
2.J. I. Buchko. The aesthetic quality of the landscape in the context of the use and preservation of humanistic resource potential of the region: Dis. candidate of geographical sciences: 11.00.11 / Jeanne I. Buchko. - Chernivtsi, 2002. - 150 p.
3.K. N. Horb. Concept and general methodological principles of creating protected areas depending on the aesthetic value of the natural landscape [Text] / K. N. Horb ; Ed. V. E. Boreyko. - K: [b. i.], 2000. - 56 p.
4.A. R. Hrynasyuk. Landscapes of Volyn region: analysis of aesthetic properties / A. R. Hrynasyuk // Geography and tourism: Science. Coll. / Red. col .: J. B. Oliynyk (ed. ed.) and others. - K .: Alpha PIC, 2014. - Vol. 31. - P. 201-210.
5.Hrynasiuk A. R. Evaluation of landscape attractiveness in the Volyn region for the purpose of tourism and recreation / A. R. Hrynasiuk // Collection of scientific works SWorld. – Issue 3. Volume 52. – Ivanovo: MARCOVA AD 2013. – P. 3–8.
6.Grodzinsky M. D. Aesthetics of landscape: Textbook / M. D. Grodzinsky, O. V. Sawicki. - K .: Publishing and Printing Center "Kyiv University", 2005 - 183 p.
7.L. V. Ilyin. Attractiveness of lake complexes of Shatsk National Park / L. V. Ilyin, A. R. Hrynasyuk // Scientific Herald Eastern National University named after Lesya Ukrainian. Geographic science. - 2014. - № 11 (288). - P. 25-29.
8.L. V. Ilyin. Aesthetic appeal of forest landscape of Volyn region of Ukraine / L. V. Ilyin, A. R. Hrynasyuk // Landscape and geoenvironmental studies of natural and anthropogenic geosystems (on the 80th anniversary of N. I. Dudnik): international collection of scientific papers / Executive editor S. V. Pankov; Min. of Education and Science [ets.]. Tambov: TSU Publishing House. R. Derzhavina, 2014. - P. 360-364.
9.L. Cherchik. Tourist and recreational complex of Volyn region: preconditions of development: Monograph. Part 1 / L. Cherchik, O. Mishchenko, M. I. Yerko; MONU. - Lutsk: East European national Ukrainian University, 2014. - 128 p.
10.Eringis K. I. Ecology and aesthetics of the landscape / K. I. Eringis, A. R. Budriunas. – Vilnius, 1975. – 131 p.
The aim of the article is an analysis of the impact of historical and cultural resources on the development of historical tourism. Characterized major historical and cultural resources associated with the native of Radzivils.
The methodical basis of research was to analyze the collected authors of literary material. Here were used descriptive and comparative methods.
Results. Grounded of the necessity to create "Way of Radzivils". It was established that the main way to preserve historical and cultural heritage of Radzivils is attracting it to use in tourism. Identified the main problems that arise in the implementation of the travel path. Discovered prospects of its use and development.
Scientific innovation is characteristic Radzivils heritage as a basis for the introduction of new tourism product "Way Radzivils."
The practical significance of the article is determined by its relevance to the practical development of historical tourism by creating tourism product "Way Radzivils."
Keywords: historical and cultural resources, historical tourism, tourism product.
1. Beydyk O.O. Recreation and tourism resources of Ukraine: Methodology and methods of analysis, terminology, zoning / O. O Beydyk; Kyiv. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. – K.: Kyiv, university, 2001 – 395p.
2. Klyap M.P. Modern types of tourism: tutorial / M. P. Klyap , F. F. Shandor. - Kyiv: Knowledge, 2011. - 334 p.
3. Prince Radziwill / V. S. Aleksandrovych and others. ; executive editor Ferentseva Y. V; transl. V. Zhurba and others. – K.: Baltiya-Druk, 2012. - 272 p.
4. Kuzyk S. Historical and cultural resources of the Ukrainian-Polish border, and especially their use for tourism purposes / S. Kuzyk, D. Lytvyn // Ukraine: cultural heritage, national identity, statehood. - 2012. - Vol. 21. - P. 475-482.
5. Pokolodna M.M. Recreation Geography: tutorial / M. M. Pokolodna; Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy. - X: KSAME, 2012. - 275 p.
6. Rusina A.V. Radziwiłł possession of modern times through the eyes of contemporaries [Text] / O. V. Rusina // Ukrainian historical journal: Science magazine. 2014. - №6. - P. 29-38.
7. Tourism and city: problem analysis, trends and modeling of development: monograph / under the general editorship I. M. Pisarevsky; Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy. - X: KSAME, 2012. - 209 p.
Purpose of the article is a historical and retrospective analysis of festival’s movement in Kyiv as one of the most important components of the cultural and artistic life of the capital of Ukraine in the context of "urban geography."
Method. The research consistes in synthesis and analysis of collected large amount of material. It has been used tabular and cartographic methods. For our research was taken the period from 1991 and 2016. Іn the scientific literature it has been defined as a period of "festival boom".
Results. The article analyzes structure of genres, spatial and temporal features and geography of the festival movement in Kyiv. Based on this developed appropriate classifications of festivals and creation of a comprehensive map of geography largest and most significant festivals of the city. It was revealed the basic trends of festival’s spaces in Kyiv during the years of independence of Ukraine and was analyzed positive and negative aspects of modern festivals.
Scientific novelty. For the first time were analyzed festival’s movement in Kiev during the years of independence. Were collected extensive factual material created in accordance maps.
The practical significance of the research was defined by its practical importance for the development of festival’s tourism, is a resource for improving global image of the capital and whole Ukraine, and also it is a source that rise the economic potential of the city. It creates the basis for significant growth and diversification of employment, increases flow of both native and foreign tourists, increases wealth and cultural level of the population.
Keywords: festival, festival’s movement, geography of festivals.
1.Beydyk O. O. (2002) Rekreatsiyno-turystychni resursy Ukrayiny: monohrafiya [Recreation and tourism resources of Ukraine: monograph] / Kyiv. : Alterpres, 320 p. (in Ukrainian)
2.Davydovs'kyy K. Yu. (2014) Sotsiokul'turni vymiry mizhnarodnoho festyval'noho rukhu : za rezul'tatamy IV mizhnarodnoho muzychnoho festyvalyu “Virtuozy planety” [Social and cultural dimensions of international festival movement: the results of the IV International Music Festival “Virtuosos of the Planet]. – availablе at: ua / obraz / 33/1975-sociokulturni-vimiri-mizhnarodnogo-festivalnogo-ruxu (access November 15, 2014). (in Ukrainian).
3.Zubenko D. V. (2011) Rozvytok festyval'noho rukhu v suchasniy Ukrayini[The development of the festival movement in modern Ukraine] / Visnyk NTUU "KPI". Politolohiya. Sotsiolohiya. Pravo : zbirnyk naukovykh prats'. [Bulletin of the National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”. Politology. Sociology. Right: a collection of science works] – # 4 (12). – pp. 110–114. (in Ukrainian).
4. Lyubitseva O. O.(2002) Rynok turystychnykh posluh : navch. posibnyk /[ [Market of tourism services: Tutorial] / Kyiv. : Alterpres, 2002. – 436 p. (in Ukrainian).
5.Mal's'ka M. P., Rutyns'kyy M. Y., Pan'kiv N. M. (2008) Turyzm u mizhnarodnomu i natsional'nomu vymirakh. Istoriya i suchasnist' : monohrafiya [Tourism in international and national dimensions. History and Modernity: monograph] / Lviv: Lviv Ivan Franko National University Publishing Center – 268 p. (in Ukrainian).
6. Rutyns'kyy M. Y. (2004) Heohrafiya turyzmu Ukrayiny [Geography of tourism in Ukraine]. / Kyiv. :The educational literature centre Publ., 160 p. (in Ukrainian).
7.Sikors’ka, I. M. (2011) Mizhnarodni muzychni festyvali v Ukrayini yak viddzerkalennya suchasnoho kul'turnoho protsesu [International Music Festival in Ukraine as a reflection of modern cultural process], IV Mizhnarodnyj kongres MAU [IV International Congress of UIA], Kyiv. (in Ukrainian).
8.Shved M. B. (2006) Tendentsiyi rozvytku mizhnarodnykh festyvaliv suchasnoyi muzyky v Ukrayini na novomu etapi (1990–2005 rr.) [Trends in international festivals of contemporary music in Ukraine on a new phase (1990–2005 years)]: avtoref. dys. kand. mystetstvoznavstva: 17.00.01 [Thesis. abstract for candidate of arts: 17.00.01 “Theory and history of culture] / Lviv, 20 p. (in Ukrainian).
9.Euro-Festival Project: Arts Festival sand European Public Culture. – [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:
Purpose of the article is to raise attention to the use of the industrial heritage of Kyiv as a tourist facilities.
Methods. Methodical bases of research consisted of in the synthesis and analysis of material collected personally by the author during field research abandoned industrial facilities in Kyiv.
Results. The proposed series of objects of industrial heritage for new informal tour bus route "Dead Industry Kyiv".
Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty consists in development of the idea of using the industrial heritage of large cities (for example, Kyiv) and a new look at "dead industry" as a tourist attraction.
The practical significance. The proposed route extends the capabilities of tourism knowledge Kyiv. Kiev now has many areas of industrial and military enterprises remain undeveloped. Objects of industrial heritage (“іndustrial mort”) for example the capital of Ukraine - perspective trend of tourism development in other industrial regions which can be interesting for the average tourist as well as for numerous domestic and European adventurers.
Keywords. Industrial heritage, tourist facilities, industrial facilities, attractions, urban area.
Goal. Provide theoretical justification conflict stsspilstva model.
Methods of study is a combination of Empirical (observation, comparison) and theoretical (systematization and classification) methods of scientific knowledge. In the process of writing also used the historical method and generalization of the results. Of particular importance is the analysis of the impact of external and internal factors in conflict.
Results. The characteristic of conflict, conflict and stages of their species. The analysis points of view on this issue and scientists determined that among scientists there is no single view of the nature and essence of the conflict. The role of geography in the study of the theory of conflict. Established that the post-conflict period is of particular importance for the normalization of relations between the parties.
Scientific novelty. Overview and features added by the conflict model in terms of social geography.
The practical significance is to familiarize with international experience research conflicts to study this problem in our country. Development Geoconflictology a direction in social geography.
Key words: conflict model, the situation post-conflict society.
1.Bzhezinsky Z. The Grand Chessboard. American Primacy and its imperatives geogstrategicheskie / Zbigniew Brzezinski. M .: Internat. relationship, 1999.-256 p.
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6. Anatol Rapoport. Conflict in Man Made Environment. Baltimore, 1974. P. 70
7. Mary Kaldor. New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. Cambridge: Polity, 2001. P. 6
8. Barry Buzan. Rethinking Security After the Cold War // Cooperation and Conflict. 1997. No 32. P. 6-21.
9.Morris Miller. Poverty as a Cause of Wars? // Interdisciplinary Science Review. 2000. No 25 (4). P. 282
Purpose. The scientific goal of this article consists in study the behavior of the US in the contemporary international conflicts, their causes and development.
Methods. Methodical bases of research consisted of the synthesis and analysis literary and statistical material collected by the authors.
Results. The article examines the nature and the geographic scale of manifestation of inter-state conflicts in Asia involving the United States, the role of USA and other countries in resolving conflicts, the participation of superpower in peacekeeping operations and international cooperation.
Scientific novelty is the comprehensive characterization of US involvement in armed conflict and examination US as an power factor in geoconflicts situations in Asia.
The practical significance. Based on the analysis of US policy in the modern interstate conflicts, are examined context of the concept of restraint in foreign policy of the United States and the practical results of its application in the first and second decade of the XXI century.
Keywords: international conflict, local conflicts, potential conflicts, terrorism, international coalition, geographical trajectory of the conflict, control of geopolitical spaces.
1. On an application by the United States UAV in Afghanistan // «Zarubezhnoe voennoe obozrenie», № 2 (791).- 2013.- Р. 105
2. Official statistics of the Ministry of Defense of the United States from 31 March 2014 g / Electronic resource. - [Access]: http: // www. defense gov / news / casualty.pdf
3.. US policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Sb. nauchnyih trudov RAN INION Tsentr nauch-inform. isiled. global.i regional. problem Otd. ZapEvropyi i Ameriki; Otv. red. Bratozerskiy M.V., Red. Sost. Rouz K.B. Scherbinina Yu.V. – M., 2014. – Vol. 1 – 193 p. – (Ser. Sotsialno-ekonomicheskie problemyi stran Zapada).
4. UN Security Council Resolution of 20 December 2001 p. №1386 / Electronic resource - [Access]: UNDO C / GEN / N01 / 708/57 / PDF / N0170857.pdf
5. Sushentsov A.A. Essays on US policy in regional conflicts of the 2000s / A.A. Sushentsov; otv. red. Schschsh A. D. - M.: Izdatelstvo MGIMO-Universiteta, 2013. - 249
6. Sushentsov A.A. US and unrest in the Arab world / A.A. Sushentsov // Mezhdunarodnyie protsessyi. - 2011. – Vol. 9. # 1 (25). - P. 106-111.
7. Henry Kissinger. World Order. Penguin Press, New York, 2014. 432 pp.
8. Barry R. Posen. Restraint. Cornell University Press, New York, 2014. 234 рр.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the concept and features of special economic zones according to the human geography approach. To highlight the importance of human geography in the special economic zones studying.
Methodology involves usage of such methods as analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of systematization. The different approaches to special economic zones have been analyzed.
Results. It has been determined that the special economic zones correspond to the characteristic features of the human geography objects and can also be regarded as the geographic places.
Scientific novelty. The attempt to systematize the approaches to the special economic zones studying has been accomplished. The implementation of the theory of geographical places to explain special economic zones development has been proposed for the first time.
Practical significance involves the implementation of the human geography theory, the theory of geographical places in particular, to the special economic zones studying. It contributes to a better understanding of special economic zones as the human geography object and can be used for further applied researches and development of mechanism of its effective usage in the territory planning.
Keywords: special economic zone, human geography, geographical place, function of place.
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5.Pyla V.I. Special territorial and economic formation: SEZ and TPD / V.Pyla, O.S. Chmyr; Kiev. state. torg.-ekon. univ. - Khmelnitsky: Podillia, 2000. - 312 p.
6.Stechenko D. M. Productive forces placement and regionalism. – 2-d ed. – K.: Vikar, 2002. – 374 p.
7.Tolkunova S.H. Geographical expertise of different approaches and aspects to the definition of "free economic zone" // Socio-economic geography theory, methodology and practice of teaching // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Ed. by A.A.Lobzhanydze. – M.:Ekon-іnform, 2014. – 318 p.
8.Chmyr O.S. Domestic practice and the world experience of SEZ and TPD: [Monograph] / O.S. Сhmyr, V.G. Panchenko, V.I Pyla. K - M .: Vistka: Print Poster, 2013. - 252 p.
9.Agnew J. А. Place and Politics: The Geographical Mediation of State and Society / А. Agnew. – London : Routledge, 1987. ‒ 267 p.
Scientific goal of the article. This article deals with the main concepts of western cultural geography and future prospects of the development of discipline within «more than representational» concept.
Methods of investigation. The research of the main concepts of western cultural geography is based on destinguishing pre-academic and academic stages. Given the methodology of study, cultural agents and currents that influenced the development of western cultural geography, the main concepts are shown. Based on analysis of the previous branches and current approaches, key features of «more than representational» concept of cultural geography are explored. The significant process in the above-mentioned concept is connected with the transformation of cultural objects into digital ones.
The results. The analysis of the main concepts of western cultural geography was presented. The process of transformation of cultural objects into digital ones within «more than representational» concept of western cultural geography is explored. The key features and future prospects of the development of western cultural geography as a scientific field are depicted.
The novelty of this work consists in the depiction of digital transformation of cultural objects within «more than representational» concept of cultural geography.
The practical significance of this work consists in possibility for cultural geography to take part in formation and use of digital objects. Performing the function of the accumulation and implementation of cultural potential it provides preservation of cultural heritage.
Keywords: cultural geography, new cultural geography, geographies of the cultural landscape, representational cultural geography, non-representational cultural geography, more than representational cultural geography, digital cultural objects
1. Lyubitseva O.O. State of geo-cultural research in Ukraine/ O.O. Lyubitseva// Bulletin of Kiev University. Geography series.- K.: Publishing Center «Kyiv University».- 1999.-Vol.44.-82р.
2. Rovenchak I.І. Geography of Culture: problems of theory, methodology and research methods: Dissertation abstract for obtaining the Ph.D. in Geography Sciences.- Lviv, 2010
3. Anderson J. The history of cultural geography/ J. Anderson// Understanding Cultural Geography: Places and Traces.- Routledge, New York,USA. -2015.- 240p.
4. Hookway B. The interface and the machine/ B. Hookway// The interface.- MIT Press, Cambridge, USA.- 2014.-192p.
5. Jackson P. The cultural landscape P.Jackson// Maps of Meaning.- Taylor & Francis e-Library, Abingdon, UK.-2003.-232p.
6. Lorimer H.Cultural geography: the busyness of being 'more-than-representational/H. Lorimer// Progress in Human Geography. - SAGE Publications Ltd, New York,USA.- 2005.- Vol.29 (1).-122p.
7. Palka E.J.Cultural Geography/ E.J.Palka// Valued Landscapes of the Far North blends cultural, historical, and physical geographies of Denali National Park.- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Plymouth, UK.-2000.- 160p.
8.Rose G.Rethinking the geographies of cultural «objects» through digital technologies: Interface,network and friction/ G. Rose//Progress in Human Geography. - SAGE Publications Ltd, New York,USA.- 2015.- Vol.40, № 3.-432p.
Purpose of the article is analysis of the natural and historical preconditions and factors that shape the contemporary cultural space of Kyiv and the features of its territorial structure.
Methods. We used method of system analysis for research, believing that cultural space is a system of natural and cultural objects, of phenomena and events that develop in space and time. Comparative-historical, cultural, statistical, cartographic and GIS methods were also used.
Results. The impact of the unity of the natural and historical background on the formation of the cultural space in Kiev is shown in this article. The map of territorial structure of cultural institutions and art was constructed. Attention is paid to the conditions of the natural and cultural environment of the city and the necessity of planning they future development.
The scientific novelty consists in the systemic approach to studying cultural and artistic space as a system, which was formed in space and time, and considering the result of such development – a unique natural, historical, intangible cultural heritage - as an emergent property of this system.
The practical significance. The research results have theoretical, methodological and practical significance and can be used to solve the economic, environmental and social problems pertaining to city development and contribute to the efficient organization of the tourist infrastructure, etc.
Кеу words: cultural and artistic space; natural heritage, historical heritage, intangible cultural heritage .
1. Zakon Ukrainy pro kulturu // Vidomosti Verchovnoi Rady Ukrainy (VVR). - 2011. - № 24. -St. 168
2. Іzbоrnyk. Іstoria Ukrainy IX-XVIII st. Pershodzherela ta interpretatsii - Resource Access::
3. Kurilenko О. Demografichne maybutne Kyiva / О. Кurilenkо // А.S.Д. – Аgentstvo strategichnych doslidzhen Resource Access::
4.Shevchenkivska rayonna derzhavna administratsia v m. Кyiv. Оfitsinyi sait Resource Access:;task=view&id=537&Itemid=39
5. Natsionalnyi muzei ukrainskogo narodnogo dekoratyvnogo mystetstva Resource Access::
6. Muzei vydatnych diyachiv ukrainskoi kultury Ofitsiynyi sait - Resource Access:: :
7. Istoria Sofiyskogo Soboru - Resource Access:
8. Suchasna ukrainska muzyka - Resource Access:
The aim of this research is to reveal the peculiarities of formation, development and personnel of industry statistic schools in the Ukrainian human geography. Nowadays there is the urgent need to reconstruct the past Ukrainian social and geographic science that allows showing objectively and impartially how scientific schools and scientists can contribute in its development. The origin of Ukrainian human geography relates to the anthropogeographical, industry statistic schools in the late XIX – early XX centuries.
The methods of this research include collecting facts, analysis of initial information, formal and genetic systematization and identification of specific empirical regulations of industry statistic schools functioning.
Based on the biographical method the author has shown the formation of industry statistic schools personnel including the biography and research papers of K. Vobliy, O. Sukhov, S. Ostapenko, I Feshchenko-Chopivskiy and G. Kryvchenko. The article traces the role of industry statistic schools in formation of Ukrainian human geography and depicts the historical conditions of their formation, development and destruction, and the ways of forming and organizing the personnel; the author analyzes the research paper of some representatives of this scientific school.
For the first time the complex research has been done in terms of industry statistic schools in Ukrainian human geography.
The outcomes of this study can be used in further research in the development of human geography, and it allows putting forward objectives for further scientific investigations.
Key words: Ukrainian human geography, scientific school, industry statistic school, K. Vobliy.
1. Antoniuk S.N. Sergey Ostapenko (1881 – 1937) / S.N. Antoniuk // Economic development strategy for Ukraine: Coll. science. publications; heads. ed. A.P. Nalyvayko. – K .: KNEU, 2011. – № 29. – P. 240 – 247.
2. State archives Kyiv. – Сollection 1246. – Inventory 1. – Sheet 419.
3. Archival institute NBU named after V.I. Vernadsky. – Сollection 360 – Inventory 3. – Sheet 22.
4. Kostrytsya M.Y. I.A. Feschenko-Chopivsky – author of works on economic geography / M.Y. Kostrytsya // Ukrainian geographical journal. – 1997. – № 2. – P. 65 – 66.
5. Matvienko V.M. Theoretical aspects of Ukrainian economic and social geography: Abstract of dissertation for the degree of Ph.D. Sciences specials. 11.00.02 «еconomic and social geography» / V.M. Matvienko. – K., 2000. – 20 p.
6. Modern Ukrainian human geography. Readings / Compiler and author of biographical articles prof. A. Shabliy. – Lviv: Publishing center of LNU Ivan Franko, 2007. – 1008 p.
7. Petrovskiy E.P. Odessa University professor A.A. Sukhov (1881 – 1944): new data on last years // Archives VUChK-GPU-NKVD-KGB. – 2004. – № 1/2. – S. 315 – 325.
8. Pistun M.D. Background and reasons of formation of Ukrainian economic and geographical school in the 20-ies / M.D. Pistun // Ukrainian geographical journal. – 2004. – № 3. – P. 68 – 74.
9. Pistun M.D. The development of human geography of Ukraine in the XX – XXI century / M.D. Pistun. – K., 2009. – 112 p.
The purpose of the article is to assess the twinning linkages of the city of Kyiv, an overview of their dynamics, current status and prospects.
Methods. The methodological basis for the study was to synthesize and analyse the literary and statistical material collected by the authors. Detailed information is obtained through the submission of requests to local authorities. The table method was used.
Results. The history of the participation of Kyiv in the international twinning movement is considered. The twinning agreements have been classified for their current state. The world trends in the use of twinning links and their manifestation in the example of Kyiv are considered.
The scientific novelty is the integrated assessment of the twinning links of the city of Kyiv, which have not been studied.
The practical significance of the study is determined by its need to understand the priority areas of international cooperation at the municipal level.
Key words: twin towns, Kyiv, twinning.
1.On some issues of sister cities and sister-region status Kiev, located on the territory of the Russian Federation on February 11, 2016 number 102/102// Kyiv City Council - Resource Access: http: // (in Ukrainian).
2.Reply to an inquiry from 03.23.2016 № 009-840 // The Executive Body of Kyiv City Council - Resource Access: (in Ukrainian)
3.Reply to an inquiry from 05.04.2016 №2605 / 25/1/103 // Dneprovskiy district in Kyiv state administration - Resource Access: 0BwUgfQ1oXLYYb0FJTF90bHN2SUk. (in Ukrainian)
4.The Origins of Town Twinning [Электронный ресурс] // The City of Inverness Town Twinning Committee. - 2008. - Resource Access: /ICC9908.pdf.
5.Twin towns and sister cities - Wikipedia Resource Access:
6.Kudrytskyi A. V. (1981) Kyiv, Encyclopaedic reference book. Kiev. – 736 р.
Purpose. The aim of the study is assessment of bioclimate of Kyiv during the calendar summer using modern bioclimatic index (BI) - Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET).
Methods. RayMan model was used for obtaining PET values. The daily data of air temperature and relative humidity, cloud cover and wind speed measured at 12.00 UTC in the summer months June to August in 2005-2014 were used for simulations. Identification of heat waves (HW) cases based on the definition, recommended by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Results. During the calendar summer most days characterized by thermal stress of different intensity - in different months their frequency varies from 70 to 86,8 % and mean frequency of comfort weather varies only from 10,6 to 20 %. During the HW cases in Kyiv 92 % of days characterize by strong and extreme heat stress. Thus, weather conditions which observed during the summer in Kiev can lead to overheating of the body and heat stress in most cases.
Scientific novelty. Assessment of the bioclimate of Kyiv using modern BI - physiologically equivalent temperature was carried out for the first time. This index based on the equation of energy balance of the human body and takes into account all groups of the factors affecting on thermal perception of the human body in the urban environment, and it is one of the most objective BI for solving such type of tasks.
The practical significance. The obtained results can be used to enhance the comfort of residence and staying of a big amount of people in city by developing and implementing of adaptation measures to the heat, choosing of the optimal period for visiting of the city, the development of the infrastructure for recreation and tourism in the city during the hot periods.
Keywords: bioclimate, physiological equivalent temperature, thermal comfort, heat stress, heat wave, recreation.
1.Balabukh V.O. Tendenciji zminy chastoty ta intensyvnosti ekstremaljnykh ghidrometeorologhichnykh javyshh na terytoriji Donecjkoji oblasti [Trends in the frequency and intensity of extreme meteorological phenomena in the Donetsk region]. Retrieved from [in ukr.].
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4.Shevchenko O.H. Porivnyal'nyy analiz bioklimatychnykh indeksiv dlya otsinky komfortnosti urbanizovanoho seredovyshcha v teplyy period [Comparative analysis of bioclimatic indices for estimation of comfort in urban areas in warm period]. Nauk. zbirnyk «Hidrolohiya, hidrokhimiya i hidroekolohiya», 2016, Vol. 3(42), pp. 105–115. [in ukr.].
5.Shevchenko O. H., Snizhko S. I. Khvyli tepla ta osnovni metodolohichni problemy, shcho vynykayut' pry yikh doslidzhenni [The heat waves and main methodological problems, which appears during the research]. Ukrayins'kyy hidrometeorolohichnyy zhurnal, 2012,10, pp. 57–63. [in ukr.].
6.Shevchenko O.H., Samchuk Ye.V., Snizhko S.I. Osoblyvosti termichnoho rezhymu hranychnoho sharu atmosfery nad Kyyevom [Characteristics of temperature conditions of atmospheric boundary layer in Kyiv city]. Lyudyna ta dovkillya. Problemy neoekolohiyi, 2012, Vol. 3−4,.7−13. [in ukr.].
7.Hoppe P. The physiological equivalent temperature – a universal index for the biometeorological assessment of the thermal environment / P. Hoppe // International Journal of Biometeorology. – May 1999. – V. 43. – 71–75.
8.Katerusha O. Thermal bioclimate and climate tourism analysis for Odessa, Black Sea / O.Katerusha, A.Matzarakis, // Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography. – 2015. – P.1–9.
9.Mayer H. Thermal comfort of man in different urban environments / H.Mayer, P.Hoppe, // Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1987. – vol. 38, no. 1. – P. 43–49.
10.Rahmstorf S. Increase of extreme events in a warming world. / S. Rahmstorf, D. Coumou // PNAS, 2011. – Vol. 108 (44). –125.
Purpose. The main objective of this article is the identification of water bodies in the sub-basin of Dereluy river basin and their typology.
Methods. As part of the transboundary Prut River Basin, Dereluy river sub-basin, the typology of water bodies, it should be done in accordance with common methodological approach proposed in the Water Framework Directive of the European Union (EU WFD). The first step is to identify the definition of water bodies. And only after that water body types divided according to system A or under system B. In our study used the system A - abiotic typology and appropriate descriptors.
Results. Abiotic typology of water bodies in sub-basin of Dereluy River is fulfilled. There are 2 categories of water bodies in the sub-basin - rivers, significantly modified and artificial water bodies, the total amount of which is 162. Allocated 127 river water bodies belong to 4 types. Identified 27 artificial water bodies and 8 - substantially modified water body.
Scientific novelty. Identification and typology conducted not only for the main river and for its tributaries with the length less than 10 km.
The practical significance. Typology of surface water bodies (objects) is a crucial and mandatory step in the implementation of the EU WFD. The important point is to determine significantly modified water bodies (potential and candidates).
Keywords: water body substantially modified water body, sub-basin, river, an artificial water body
1.EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. Definitions of Main Terms, 2006, Kyiv, 240 p. [in Ukrainian]
2.Kyryliyk O., 2013. Geohydromorphologic feasibility of evaluation method for the conditions of the small rivers basin systems (the case of Gukiv, Dereluy and Vizhenka) [Synopsis: 11.00.07 –hydrology of land, water resources, hydro-chemistry ]. Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi: 20 p. . [in Ukrainian]
3.The national basin management plan of Tisa river - Ukraine (version 3.0) [electronic resource]. – Access: . [in Ukrainian]
4.Management of the transboundary Dnieper River basin: Pripyat river sub-basin: a monograph / ed. A.G. Obodovsky, A.P. Stankevich and S.A. Afanasyev., 2012, Kyiv, 448 p. . [in Russian]
1.Andriichuk Iryna Anatoliivna – Student of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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2.Baydyuk Tetyana Mykolayivna – Student of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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3.Basyuk Dariya Ivanivna – Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor, Head of Tourism and Hospitality Department, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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4.Beidyk Oleksandr Oleksiiovych – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mаil:
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5.Bezuhlyy Vitaliy Viktorovych – Candidate Of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Of The Department Of Physical And Economic Geography Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail:
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6.Bondarchuk Yuliya Serhiyivna – Graduate Student Of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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7.Bondarets' Ol'ha Ihorivna – Student Of Physical Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Luts'k, Ukraine, e-mail:
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8.Bortnyk Serhiy Yuriyovych – Doctor Of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head Department Of Earth Sciences And Geomorphology, Faculty Of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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9.Bortnyk Sofia Serhiyivna – Student of Economic and Social Geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
10. Holubtsov Oleksandr Hryhorovych – Candidate Of Geographical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
11. Hrynasiuk Anastasiia Ruslanovna – Graduate Student Of The Department Of Tourism And Hospitality Management, Faculty Of Geography, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail:
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12. Dolhova Kateryna Serhiyivna – Graduate Student Of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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13. Dolynska Olesya Olehivna – Postgraduate Student, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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14. Zavarika Halyna Mykhaylivna – Candidate Of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department, Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Syevyerodonets'k, Ukraine, e-mail:
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15. Zelenko Olena Oleksandrivna – PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Syevyerodonets'k, Ukraine.
16. Kylymchuk Anna Anatoliivna – Graduate Student Of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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17. Kyrylyuk Olena Volodymyrivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Assistant Hydrometeorology and Water Resources Department, Faculty of Geography, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail:
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18. Kyrylyuk Serhiy Mykolayovych – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Doctoral Student of Physical Geography, Geomorphology And Paleogeography Departmentб Faculty of Geography, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
19. Koroliuk Iuliia Anatolievna – Student Of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department, Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Syevyerodonets'k, Ukraine, e-mail:
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20. Koroma Nataliya Stepanivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, engineer NDS "Regional economic issues and policies" Geography Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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21. Kucher Pavlo Victorovych – Lecturer of Tourism Department, Lviv State University of Physical Culture Named After Ivan Boberskyi. Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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22. Lavruk Тетіana Mykolayivna – Candidate Of Geographical Sciences Associate Professor, Assistant Professor Of Earth Science and Geomorphology Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: l
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23. Lukianchuk Petro Mykolayovych – Engineer, Faculty Of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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24. Mykhalyuk Maryna Mykhaylivna – Graduate Student Of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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25. Marchuk Andrii Volodumurovuch – Student of Physical Geography Department, Faculty Of Geography, Eastern National University named after Lesya Ukrainian, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail:
26. Mazurkievich Irina Oleksandivna – PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Vinnitsa trade and economic institute KNTEU, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, e-mail:
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27. Polishchuk Iryna Hryhorivna – engineer of department of Earth sciences and geomorphology, faculty of geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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28. Prymak Tetyana Yukhymivna – PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate professor, Assistant Professor of Tourism and Hospitality Department, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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29. Rybiy Alina Oleksandrivna – Student Of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
30. Sydoruk Yuliya Oleksandrivna – Engineer Of Department Of Earth Sciences And Geomorphology, Faculty Of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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31. Syrovets Serhii Yuriiovych – Candidate of Geography Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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32. Smyrnov Igor Georgiyovich – Doctor Of Geography Sciences, Professor, Professor of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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33. Tkachuk Leonila Mikolayvna – Candidate Of Geography Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student Of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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34. Ustymenko Lesia Mykolaivna – PhD of Pedagogic, Associate Professor, Аssistant Professor Of Department Of International Tourism, Kyiv National University Of Culture And Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine e-mail:
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35. Fesyuk Vasyl' Oleksandrovych – Doctor of Geography Science, Proffessor, Head of physical geography Department, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine.
36. Tsvelykh Yevhen Mykolayovych – Lead Engineer Of Faculty Of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, e-mail:
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37. Tses'tsiv Diana Stepanivna – Graduate Student of Tourism Department, Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
38. Shevchuk Serhiy Mykolayovych – Candidate Of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine, e-mail:
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39. Shepelieva Natalija Valer'evna – Student Of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Syevyerodonets'k, Ukraine, e-mail:
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40. Shevchenko Ol'ha Hryhorivna – Candidate Of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Meteorology and Climatology department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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41. Chaban Tatiana Yuriyevna – Master, Vinnitsa Trade And Economic Institute KNTEU, Vinnitsa, Ukraine.
42. Yatsenko Borys Pavlovych – Doctor Of Geography Sciences, Professor, Professor of Country Studies and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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Last Updated on Friday, 13 October 2017 13:13 |